جميع شركات الربح من موقعك


ياهو! على توسيع شبكة التوزيع لتشمل لكم.
استنادا إلى الطلب من الناشرين على الانترنت ، نحن لدينا الناشر افتتاح شبكة لنشر أوسع للمجتمع. من خلال توسيع قاعدة ، ونحن نخطط لتقديم منتجات وخدمات فريدة من نوعها للناشرين من جميع الأحجام.
الجديد ياهو! الناشر شبكة منصة الآن في مرحلة تجريبية ، ويمكنك من :
  • توليد إيرادات إضافية من موقعك. عرض إعلانات ذات علاقة بمحتوى موقعك. عليك كسب الدخل من النقرات.
  • الاستفادة من ياهو! الناشر الأدوات والخدمات والبرامج. دمج أخرى ياهو! الخدمات إلى موقع الويب الخاص بك ، بما في أضف إلى ياهو! (RSS) ، نعم! * واكثر القادمة...
  • تساعد على تشكيل ما ياهو! عروض النشر المجتمع. هذا برنامج تجريبي (بيتا) هي البداية فقط. مهمتنا هي توفير منتجات وخدمات قائمة على احتياجات المجتمع النشر.

Clicksor ستدفع لك ما يصل الى 60 ٪ من عائدات الاعلانات النقرات المتولدة من موقعك. الإعلان المرتبط بالمحتوى Clicksor تكنولوجيا تسمح به الزوار من التمتع محتوى موقعك وتحقيق الأرباح السخية لكم في الوقت نفسه.
كما تابعا ، Clicksor يمر على طول أرباحها إليكم من دفع ما يصل الى 60 ٪ من عائدات الاعلانات النقرات المتولدة من موقعك. Clicksor ينص على الانترنت في الوقت الحقيقي احصائيات وجدول زمني للدفع كل أسبوعين. أي في الفترة التي دفع أرباحك يتجاوز 50.00 دولار ، تدفع المبالغ ، إما عن طريق شيك أو عن طريق باي بال على الفور. بلغ مجموع الإيرادات أقل من 50 دولارا سيكون دخلت فترة التالية.
Clicksor يتيح الموقع الفرصة لكسب دخل إضافي ببساطة يؤكد على مجموعة مختارة من النص أو النقر dislaying مواقع المحتويات على لافتة على مواقعها على الشبكة.

Targetpoint خدمات خاصة موجهة نحو الناشر : You'll لها السيطرة المطلقة على ظهور إعلاناتك ، الرقابة على محتوى الاعلان ، محدثة إحصاءات عن أداء موقعك ، والأهم من أسفل الخط أفضل العائدات.
الناشر Targetpoint عروض الخدمات ، والتي تستخدم في توليد المزيد من الأموال الجديدة ، وبراءات الاختراع في انتظار الاعتراف بها ومطابقة مضمون التكنولوجيا :
  • يولد Adpoint المحتوى ذات الصلة ، وتقييم عائدات الاعلانات.
  • Exitpoint يساعد على الاستفادة الكاملة من إمكانيات الشبكة خروج حركة المرور.
  • Searchpoint (بيتا) السمات تعزيز قدرات البحث ، التي تعزز مستخدميك خبرة اضافية وتوليد الأرباح.
التسجيل مجاني وسريع. هل يضمن الحصول على 60 في المئة من مجموع انقر على العائدات. وتشمل خيارات الدفع البنك والشيكات والتحويلات البرقية باي بال (إذا كانت مؤهلة).

MarketBanker السمات :
  • على الفور ، وحرية الإعداد
  • لا لتركيب البرمجيات وعادل 4 خطوط هتمل
  • عليك تحديد الأسعار لموقعك
  • تقبل جميع بطاقات الائتمان الرئيسية
  • صغيرة وغير تدخلية وصلات النص (40 حرفا) ، ويسرني
  • قبول أو رفض كل وصلة لموقعك
  • الربط الآلي للبدء وانتهاء
  • نجاح المسار مع MarketBanker الإحصاءات
  • MarketBanker المدرجة في موقع الدليل
  • أسئلة وأجوبة

عشرة أسباب اختيار الناشرين BidClix ، وجعلنا من الانترنت الرائدة في شبكات الاعلان :
1. الحصول على أموال أكثر لإعلانك المخزون. نجد ذو العائد إعلانات لموقعك من خلال تحسين التكنولوجيا الملكية. لأن المعلنين للتنافس على الحصول على قيمة المخزون الخاص بك على محاولة لتنسيب الأساس ، فإن هذا يزيد الفعالة بألف ظهور الخاصة بك.
2. بسرعة الدفع -- يتم الدفع في غضون 15 يوما. تدفع لك أسرع منا ، ويمكن وضع هذا المال على العمل في وقت أسرع. BidClix يدفع صافي 15 من نهاية كل شهر.
3. الالاف من المعلنين. سوقنا المقابس لكم هائل في مجمع نوعية المعلنين. موقعك دائما إعلانية جديدة للمحتوى ، مع المهتمين وزوار الموقع من خلال النقر معدلات مرتفعة.
4. جودة وسلامة مواقعنا. لدينا مبادئ توجيهية صارمة في المكان الذي نعمل فيه مع المواقع -- جزءا من السبب في أننا قادرون على تقديم هذه الخبرات العظيمة لشريكنا الناشرين. الجودة العالية من المواقع في السوق الإعلانية -- مثل المواقع التي تتيح لك التركيز ومتطورة المحتوى -- رواتب عالية وتستقطب المعلنين الذين يعرفون قيمة جمهورك) وعلى استعداد لدفع). الأسعار لدينا للحزب الشيوعى الصينى وعوائدنا كما احتفظ عالية لأن لدينا ضوابط صارمة الغش في مكانها.
5. كفاءة عالية في السوق. مع BidClix ، فلست بحاجة للتفاوض مع المعلنين ، أو مطاردة الحسابات. ونغتنم هذه الرعاية لك بطريقة سريعة وفعالة في السوق ، ليصل إلى جانب الآلاف من المعلنين للتنافس على الحصول على قيمة المخزون الخاص بك. النتيجة النهائية هي ارتفاع أسعار المخزون الخاص بك ، وكبيرا من الوقت وتحقيق وفورات في التكاليف بالنسبة لك.
6. تقديم التقارير في الوقت الحقيقي. BidClix الشامل في الوقت الحقيقي التقارير هي جزء من الأدوات التي نبذلها من أجل خدمة العملاء استثنائية. يمكنك تصفح من خلال نخبة واسعة من التقارير ، وكلها مصممة لتجعل من السهل بالنسبة لك لتتبع أداء إعلانك المخزون.
7. مزيد من المرونة والتحكم. BidClix توفر المزيد من المرونة في كيفية إدارة اعلانك الجرد. لا توجد تكاليف لبيع المخزون الخاص بك في BidClix إعلانات السوق ، أو الاشتراك أو رسوم تفعيل -- تماما انه لا خطر في محاولة منا. اخترت قناة BidClix افضل مبارياته محتوى موقعك ونوع الوحدة الإعلانية التي ترغب في عرضها. نحن نخدم جميع أنواع وحدات إعلانية القياسية -- لافتات ، وناطحات السحاب والأبراج ، وpop-ups/unders. كما يمكنك استخدام علينا أن نجد سبلا جديدة لوضع إعلانات على موقعك.
8. مخصص لبيع فريق قادر على ملء 100 ٪ من المخزون الخاص بك. BidClix مثل وجود فعلي في قوة المبيعات للعمل بالنسبة لك -- ربط لكم مع الآلاف من المعلنين. يمكنك ملء 100 ٪ من المخزون الخاص بك مع إعلاناتنا ، أو استخدامها لتكملة لنا قوة المبيعات الحالي الخاص بك. علاقاتنا مع الناشرين هي تماما غير حصري. يمكنك عمل مباشرة مع المعلنين الآخرين ، أو الشبكات الإعلانية ، على الرغم من العديد من دور النشر في اختيار لنا هو الشريك الوحيد للدخل.
9. سريعة وسهلة للبدء. لدينا نموذج طلب بسيط يستغرق سوى بضع دقائق لملء فيه بعد ذلك كل ما عليك فعله هو نسخ ولصق بضعة خطوط الكود الى موقعك ، وكنت على استعداد للذهاب!
10. المسؤولية ، والاستجابة ، والموثوقية. العمل في احدى الشركات ان يبرهن 3 ر 's-- المسؤولية ، والاستجابة ، والموثوقية. الناس في BidClix تماما على الاستجابة للاحتياجات الخاصة بك مع استثنائية ، والخدمات المبتكرة.

RealContext يساعد على تحقيق أقصى درجة من الناشرين على الإنترنت عائدات الإعلانات عن طريق عرض محتوى ذات الصلة ، مستهدفة ، وأفضل لفرقعة - باك الإعلانات على مواقعها على شبكة الإنترنت.
على أساس الملكية وبراءات الاختراع ونحن في انتظار المحتوى والسلوك القائم على استهداف (CBeT) التكنولوجيا ، RealContext هو الجيل المقبل من نظام استهداف الإعلانات التي ستساعدك النفوذ الخاص بك اثنين من أكبر الأصول : جمهور الانترنت الخاص بك على الانترنت والمحتوى الخاص بك.
RealContext باختيار الإعلانات التي هي :
ذات الصلة في المحتوى الخاص بك
الذكاء الاصطناعي التقنيات المستخدمة في اختيار أهم الإعلانات التي تتناسب مع محتوى صفحة الويب الخاصة بك
المستهدف للزائرين مصالح
موقعك الإعلانية الخاصة انقر من خلال البيانات التي تستخدم لاختيار أفضل الإعلانات المستهدفة لمباراة الزوار مصالح
مختارة لتعظيم الايرادات
الكلمات الرئيسية المستهدفة ذات الصلة ونخبة من موقعك تقابل & ترشح على أساس ما المعلنين يدفعون
RealContext القيمة :
  • يختار كل من الاعلانات التي تطابق المحتوى الخاص بك وزوارك مصالح
  • دينامية لمعرفة رد الفعل من الجمهور الخاص بك 'الحب و الكراهية واختيار الإعلانات المستهدفة
  • روافع موقعك محددة من خلال النقر على البيانات فقط اختيار الاعلانات التي تناسب جمهورك مصالح.
  • يعتمد على عكس الصعبة إلى جانب رسم الخرائط خوارزمية لاختيار الاعلانات مع ارتفاع الايرادات المحتملة
  • ويقدم تفصيلا في العمق المواقع ورابط المستوى الإبلاغ
  • وتؤيد ترشيح الطفل آمنة ، من الفئة / الموضوع ورسم الخرائط وdomain-/topic المستوى منع الاعلانات

AllFeeds المواصفات :
أعلى الأجور بالنقرة قوائم من آلاف المعلنين
تعدد الأشكال المتاحة للعرض الخاص بك بسهولة
  • نص صلة
  • صناديق البحث
  • DHTML بالنوافذ
  • أزرار
  • لافتات
  • الخلاصات XML
تقديم التقارير في الوقت الحقيقي
  • دفعات شهرية مع التمديد حصائل
سنرسل اليك فحص مرة كل شهر لطالما كنت قد كسبت 25.00 دولار على الأقل. إذا كنت dont كسب 25.00 دولار في غضون شهر واحد ، وحصلت اللجنة الخاصة بك سيضاف إلى حسابك في الشهر المقبل الدفع. الشيكات ترسل بها في اليوم الأخير من الشهر التالي.
  • حرية الانضمام للمؤهلين المواقع
  • من السهل وصف المشترك الخاص بك على الشكل والمظهر
  • حملات مكيفة بما في منح الفوز لتكنولوجيا الاندماج مع جوجل Adsense!
هل أنت من جوجل Adsense حساب سئم من عدم حصولهم على دفع جوجل تقصير الخدمة العامة القوائم؟ الاستعاضة عنها Allfeeds.com التكنولوجيا اليوم! دون أي جهد ، يمكنك إضافة Allfeeds المستهدفة إلى القوائم الموجودة لديك حساب جوجل Adsense! يبدو ويشعر نفسه ولكن تحصل على دفع في أكثر الأحيان! يحلوا محل اعلانات خدمات عامة اليوم!

Adhearus تسمح لك لتوليد المزيد من الإيرادات لإعلاناتك الفضائية مما كنت تعتقد ذلك ممكنا.
أفضل الإعلانات لموقعك
الخدمة الإعلانية لدينا ثورة التكنولوجيا يضمن فقط أهم الاعلانات تظهر على موقع الويب الخاص بك باستمرار وإيصالها إلى أقصى حد لزيادة دخلك.
بذل المزيد من المال.
تحصل يدفع ثمنها كل زائر أن ينقر على الإعلان.
المعلنين محاولة بعضهم ضد البعض الآخر لاعلاناتك الفضاء ، وضمان حصولك على كل قرش أنك تستحق. خلافا لغيرها من برامج الدعاية ، وتحصل على دفعها شهريا لجميع من دخل موقعك اكتسب ، وتوفير لك دخل ثابت التدفق.
يمكنك اختيار أنواع وأحجام الإعلانية التي تريد عرضها وأين. حاليا تتوفر أنواع الإعلانات عن Adhearus : إعلانات نصية ، النوافذ المنبثقة ، مشغل Unders ، الرايات ، الأزرار المستطيلات وناطحات السحاب.
إدارة عمليات حساب على الإنترنت والتقارير.
نحن نقدم لك التقارير على نطاق واسع حتى تتمكن من رؤية كيفية الإعلان لدينا هو المنفذ. يمكنك تغيير نوع الإعلانات لكم العرض فضلا عن موقعهم اي وقت.
عرض الإعلانات الخاصة بك أيضا.
إذا اخترت ، يمكنك تدوير الإعلانات الخاصة بك مع Adhearus في الإعلانات. يمكنك ببساطة تحميل الإعلانات الخاصة بك ، وتحديد عدد المرات التي كنت ترغب في عرض لها ونحن في بتبديلهم لك. يمكنك حتى تتناوب في إعلانات شركات الاعلان.
إدارة عمليات حساب على الإنترنت والتقارير
نحن نقدم لك التقارير على نطاق واسع حتى تتمكن من رؤية كيفية الإعلان لدينا هو المنفذ. يمكنك تغيير نوع الإعلانات لكم العرض فضلا عن موقعهم اي وقت.
ترشيح الاعلانات غير المرغوب فيها.
حتى وإن كنا غير عادية تتخذ خطوات لضمان أن يتم عرض إعلانات ذات صلة على موقع الويب الخاص بك ، كما نقدم لكم لديهم القدرة على منع الإعلانات الفردية أو كامل معلنين ان كنت لا ترغب في عرضها.
بدء بسرعة وسهولة.
الانضمام إلى شبكة الإنترنت بسهولة ويستغرق دقائق قليلة فقط. بعد الانضمام سوف يكون قادرا على الفور البدء في عرض الإعلانات على موقع الويب الخاص بك. يمكنك توليد ايرادات جديدة في غضون 5 دقائق من الآن. اضغط هنا للتطبيق على الانترنت.

انضم السياق الاستشعار ذات الصلة ، وربط النصوص الإعلانية التابعة لبنات اسمحوا اخترت من ClickBank اكثر من 10000 منتجات بنسخ ولصق قليلا جافا سكريبت على صفحات موقعك.
وتظهر لك فقط السياق relevent ، مستهدفة جدا الاعلانات النصية التي لديك السيطرة.
عرض الإعلانات التي يتم فرزها لإظهار الأفضل أداء التابعة روابط أعلى.
تقديم التقارير في الوقت الحقيقي ، بما في نقرات المجال من قبل ، في صفحة والإحالات.
وهو سهل الاستخدام واجهة المبنى السيناريو يتيح لك تماما إعلانك تخصيص القطع.
نحن نقدم لك 5 ٪ من انطباعات كل الدلائل إلى أن الحساب الخاص بك من خلال "من خلال الإعلانات.." رابط.
لدينا كل من adformats التي تقدمها جوجل AdSense ، لذلك يمكنك استخدام الإعلانات ليحل محل اعلانات خدمات عامة ((بي اس ايه). لنا الحصول على الصلة الخاصة التي شكلها يمكنك إضافة مباشرة في خط google_alternate_ad_url شفرة AdSense الخاصة بك.
AffiliateSense يجعل من المال عن طريق ارسال 5 ٪ من الإعلانات لبنة الى الظهور الخاصة بها ClickBank الحساب و 5 ٪ لحساب كل من كنت وقعت على طريق.

مكان إعلانات نصية على موقعك والحصول على أموال مقابل كل نقرة
هل أنت متأكد من أنك تحصل على أكثر من إعلاناتك الفضاء؟
الانضمام BidVertiser الآن وسوف نتحول إعلاناتك النقدية في الفضاء! مجرد عرض إعلانات نصية BidVertiser على موقع الويب الخاص بك والسماح للمعلنين محاولة بعضهم ضد البعض الآخر! نحن دائما أعلى عرض لمقدمي العروض لتعظيم الايرادات الخاصة بك!
الحصول على أموال مقابل كل نقرة
تحصل يدفع ثمنها كل زائر أن ينقر على الإعلان. هدفنا هو تمكين لكم على بذل أكبر قدر ممكن من إعلاناتك الفضاء ، عن طريق السماح للمعلنين محاولة إعلانك الفضاء. علينا الدفع عن طريق الشيكات الشهرية ، مع حد أدنى من 25 دولارا أمريكيا فقط.
دائما اعلى مقدمي العروض عرض على موقع الويب الخاص بك
BidVertiser دائما أعلى عرض لمقدمي العروض على موقعك ، وضمان أقصى قدر ممكن من الإيرادات في أي وقت معين.
وقد تحسنت باطراد المناقصة الخاصة بك على مر الزمن
سترى تحسن مستمر في عروض التسعير الخاصة بك بمرور الوقت ، ولكل من الزوار والمعلنين وسوف تعرض هذه الفرصة لتقديم العروض من كل منهما ضد الأخرى على إعلانك الفضاء.
تخصيص تصميم إعلاناتك
BidVertiser يعطيك بسيطة نقطة وانقر أداة لمساعدتك على تخصيص تصميم الاعلانات لتناسب موقعك الشكل والمظهر ، وذلك من أجل الحفاظ على الجودة العالية لموقع الويب الخاص بك.
منع أي الإعلانية غير المرغوب فيها
BidVertiser تمكنك من تنفيذ أي مرشح الاعلانات غير المرغوب فيها. قبل بنفسك الترشيح ، كل اعلان لابد من مرحلة ما قبل التحرير وافق عليها الفريق. هذه الآلية يعطيك قطعة من العقل في شأن الإعلانات المعروضة على موقعك.
توليد تقارير مفصلة لمراقبة أداء إعلاناتك
استخدام الناشر مركز لتوليد تقارير مفصلة على شبكة الإنترنت لرصد أداء إعلاناتك ، بما في ذلك عدد الصفحات المطبوعة ، نقرات ، من خلال نسبة النقر ، ومجموع المبلغ قمت المكتسبة.

Veoda له عدة فرص لكسب المال وشريك :
  • ساكنة القوائم المهنية الاعلانات الترحيب
  • فلاش القوائم المهنية التمرير الإعلانات المتحركة
  • تخصيص مربع البحث في مربع البحث أن يدفع
  • يطير في نص الاعلان على أساس الإعلانات التي تحلق في والمستخدمين على الشاشة
  • مهنيا PowerBox خلق مربع البحث والنتائج
  • Xml أعلاف تغذية البيانات لتحليل الخارجية
  • وتشير مستخدمين تلقي 30 ٪ من مجمل ودائع / إيرادات من أجل الحياة

RevenuePilot يوفر لك أكثر ابتكارية ، بكفاءة وفعالية لنقد الحركة المرورية. فإن ربط الأجر بالأداء (برنامج الشراكة من أجل السلام) ، والدفع لكل انقر (قدرة شرائية في أسواق خلقت فرصة كبيرة لنشر الويب إلى تحويل حركة المرور الى النقي الأرباح. وتقدم الشركات التابعة RevenuePilot السلس مدخل مربحة جدا في هذه الساحة من خلال دفعه عن كل نقرة بريميير الشبكة.

وضع Kanoodle 'sالروابط على موقع الويب الخاص بك وأربح إيرادات مع كل نقرة! مهما يكن نوع المحتوى لديك على موقعك ، فقد Kanoodle الى المباراة BrightAds -- حتى انهم دائما ذات الصلة وعلى يقين من أن نناشد زوار موقعك.
إعلانات مطابقة لمحتوى -- رائع!
نقدم محتوى الناشرين الفرصة على مواقعهم وContextTarget ارتباطات دعائية BehaviorTarget -- الوحيدة التي أنشئت حصرا لمواقع المحتوى. من خلال رسم خرائط لBrightAds "المواضيع" و "فئات" وليس لكلمات رئيسية ، فإننا المباراة محتوى موقعك لاختارهم مجالات الاهتمام. وهذا يعني أننا الاعلانات تظهر دائما ذات الصلة للزائرين.
من السهل الإيرادات -- انه لا أحد من التفكير
  • الايرادات واضحة المعالم : BrightAds هي النص على أساس الإيرادات بالنقرة (للجنة الحماية من الإشعاع) ارتباطات دعائية. وهذا يعني دفع المعلنين في كل مرة الزائر من النقرات على الروابط -- وسنقوم بدفع لك 50 ٪ من هذه التهمة.
  • ارتفاع الإيرادات النقرة (الموارد والتخطيط والمؤتمرات) : Kanoodle 'sRPCs تتمتع بقدرة عالية على المنافسة ، مع العديد من المواضيع التنقيد بسعر أعلى بكثير من منافسينا.
  • باي بال : BrightAds العروض من السهل الدفع عن طريق باي بال.
ذكي -- ولكن لا يجب عليك أن تكون عبقرية لكسب
البساطة : الاشتراك بسيط ، بسيط الإعداد! كل ما عليك فعله هو تخبرنا قليلا عن نفسك وموقعك. ذات مرة كنت وافقت ، سنقوم تلقائيا الكود الذي تحتاجه. مجرد نسخ ولصق الى موقعك وأنت طيبة الذهاب.
الإبداع والمرونة : أنت لا يقتصر على واحد واحد يصلح للجميع الخيار. اختيار عدد BrightAds التي تريدها ، وتخصيص مظهرها ، وسنقوم بما يخدم الوحدات الإعلانية التي تعمل على أفضل وجه لموقعك.
تقارير مفصلة : نحن مفصلة وتقارير أرباح انقر يعني أبدا التخمين في كيفية أداء BrightAds لك.

تعزيز التفاعلية تخدم زبائنها دفع قوائم المحتويات والإعلانات على محركات البحث والمضمون القائم على مواقع الإنترنت في جميع أنحاء شبكة الإنترنت. نحن شركاء مع قادة الصناعة مثل MSN وInfoSpace ، فضلا عن أصغر محركات البحث واستهدفت مواقع المحتوى ، ونحن ندفع لهم لعرض النقد معلنينا 'الرسائل.
إليك كيف نعمل مع شركائنا في التوزيع والشركاء :
بحث Cobrand
وهناك استراتيجية لبناء الإيرادات بالنسبة للعملاء الذين هم حاليا تاركة موقع الويب الخاص بك. بدلا من أن تفقد مستخدموك لمحرك البحث عندما تختار البحث في الويب ، ببساطة توفر لهم فرصة للبحث عن الحق في موقع الويب الخاص بك ، في حين تقوم المال في كل مرة ينقر مستخدم على دفع قوائم البحث.
دفعت القوائم
تعزيز التكامل بين قوائم تفاعلية مع القوائم الموجودة على نتائج البحث ، وكسب المال في كل مرة ينقر مستخدم على دفع تعزيز التفاعلية القائمة.
الإعلان المرتبط بالمحتوى
وتشمل العلامات التجارية القوائم الموجودة في موقعك. TopLinks تسحب الأكثر شعبية تعزيز التفاعلية المعلنين (استنادا الى مضمون كل صفحة) ويعرض في شكل إعلان. سواء كنت بحاجة النوافذ المنبثقة ، البوب unders ، sidebars ، وناطحات السحاب ، أو لافتات ، او زر / الروابط النص ، فإن هذا البرنامج يلبي TopLinks إليك.
لدمج كل هذه البرامج هو بسيط ، ودفعت اللجنة كل 30 يوما. بذلك ، مع بضعة خطوط الرمز ، يمكنك الحصول على بنائه حسب محرك البحث (أو خدمة إعلانية) أن ينقد زيادة حركة المرور الخاصة بك.

بذل المزيد من المال من موقعك حركة المرور الخاصة بك. AdSonar تمنحك الأدوات بسرعة وسهولة إلى مكان الإعلانات على موقعك التي تهم المستخدمين لديك وتنتج النقرات.
إنشاء أمر سهل
عليك تحديد خيارات مثل شكل الإعلان والتنسيب. بمجرد أن ينقر المستخدمون على AdSonar الإعلانات على موقعك ، عليك أن تبدأ لكسب المال.
تحسين ارتباط الاعلانات
إلا المعلنين في الفئة الخاصة بك يمكن ان تظهر على موقعك.
كسب مزيد من الرقابة
يمكنك توليد التقارير على العنوان ، وإعلان الملك لمعرفة مستوى إعلانك حيث العائدات الناشئة.
زيادة أرباحك
عليك تحديد الإعلانات الافتراضية الخاصة بك ، وحتى من إعلانات خدمة القوائم الخاصة بك لوقف غير المربحة "حشو الإعلانات".

البحث عن طريق شراكة مع الأعلاف. com ، صناع المواقع تعزيز محتوى الموقع بينما كسب إيرادات إضافية من حركة المرور على الشبكة العالمية القائمة. من خلال دمج مضمون الكلمة الرئيسية تدفع للزوار الحصول على المزيد من المعلومات ذات الصلة التي تهم المنطقة ، وزيادة قابلية الاستخدام الشامل 'زوجة' من موقع الشريك.
البحث تغذية. com الإعلانية من خلال نشر التكنولوجيا والبحث والمحتوى على حد سواء قناة التكامل ، مما يساعد على نقد حركة الإنترنت بشكل أكثر فعالية مع الحفاظ على الشكل والمظهر القائمة من موقع الشريك.

نابض بالحياة وسائل الاعلام البراءات في انتظار IntelliTXT التكنولوجيا ويبرز النص الروابط التجارية من الكلمات الرئيسية التي تظهر على الانترنت ضمن صفحات المحتوى. نابض بالحياة وسائل الاعلام تقنية آليا تحليل وتصنيف المحتوى ، وتحديد أنسب التسويق لإيصال الرسالة ، وعند تفعيلها من قبل المستخدم ، وخدمة الرسائل الإعلانية ديناميكيا على حق المستخدمين في الوقت المناسب.
  • استهداف السياق -- ذات الصلة ، وغير مزعجة للمستخدم تفعيل الرسائل الاعلانية داخل المحتوى ، وتوفير المزيد من المنتجات أو الخدمات معلومات للقراء
  • نموذج بسيط الإيرادات -- ربط الأجر بالأداء (الحزب) والتسعير ويضيف لحظة تدفق الإيرادات الزائدة. أي إنشاء الرسوم ، وتكاد تكون معدومة ، وتكلفة المبيعات الحالية لا تؤثر على الاعلان على شبكة الانترنت العقارات.
  • سهلة التنفيذ -- الناشر اقامة هذا البرنامج سهل وسريع -- عادل دمج جافا سكريبت بسيطة. الناشر يحتفظ تحرير كامل السيطرة على مظهر وIntelliTXT.
  • ولا يسمح ناشر -- IntelliTXT يسيطر عليها ويديرها الناشر. هذه ليست تطبيقات سطح المكتب.
  • المنشط المستعمل -- يسلم رسالة المعلن داخل جسد المضمون إلا عندما يصطاد الفئران المستخدم حدد بوضوح مدى ارتباط الاعلانات.

نابضة بالحياة على براءة اختراع وسائل الاعلام SmartAD ديناميكيا مباريات ناشرين 'محتوى عالي الجودة ذات الصلة مما يؤدي إلى أن المعلنين يبحثون عن السياق استهدفت العقارات. السياق ذات الصلة لافتة إعلانات ديناميكي المجاورة لتسليم فوري وجودة المحتوى. الناشرين استقبال لألف ظهور الثابتة لجميع وحدات الخدمة المدفوعة SmartAD على الموقع.
  • ويضيف تدريجيا عرض عائد الاعلانات.
  • آليا وتصنيف وتحليل المحتوى لتحديد السياق المناسب للرسالة الإعلانية.
  • ويقدم مع المعلنين طريقة جديدة لتوصيل الرسائل الإعلانية في بيئة على درجة عالية من المحتويات.
  • ويكمل القائمة الناشر والإعلانات وغير ذلك من طرف ثالث العلاقات.

Nixxie شراكة حل استخدامات التكنولوجيا الذكية التي يمكن قراءتها وفهمها محتوى صفحات مواقع الويب الخاص بك. وبذلك ، توفر Nixxie الاعلانية التي هي أنسب لمحتوى صفحات موقعك.
Nixxie يقدم نهجا لإعلانات صفحات المحتويات. لديك اختيار الحلول تتضمن الإعلانات النصية ، ومقارنة الأسعار وقوائم يعيش مزاد الإعلانات. انقر هنا لمشاهدة نموذجية لتنفيذ Nixxie على صفحة ويب.
Nixxie ما يمكن أن نفعله لموقع الويب الخاص بك :
  • خلق المجاملة أو الدعاية جديدة تدفق الإيرادات.
  • تعزيز تجربة المستخدمين تتسم بها إعلانات ذات صلة ومفيدة.
  • فتح الباب أمام واحدة من اكبر المعلنين على الإنترنت إلى قواعد البيانات التي تتضمن ارتفاع كبير في الشارع الماركات المحلية والمنتجات المتخصصة والخدمات.
  • كسب الإيرادات في كل مرة كنت زائرا نقرات على Nixxie 'sالقوائم.
  • وتقدم مجموعة متنوعة من تنفيذ مصممة خصيصا لتناسب متطلبات مواقع الويب الخاص بك.
  • من السهل جدا وسريعة التنفيذ التي تتطلب الحد الأدنى من الجهد لتحقيق أقصى قدر من العائدات.
  • متفوقة لخدمة العملاء في الوقت المناسب والمدفوعات.

AdRevenue XpressTM (ARX) على الفور دخل الفرص لناشرين التنقيد بها الحركة على الانترنت. ARX هو فريد من نوعه لتوزيع البرنامج ، تقدم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم للناشرين فرصة لتوليد الإيرادات عن طريق عرض إعلانات ذات الصلة MIVA المضمون على موقعه على الانترنت. من خلال تقديم المحتوى والخدمات ذات الصلة ، والشركاء في توسيع العلامة التجارية ، وتحسين تجربة زوار الموقع.
  • المحتوى الديناميكي -- تقديم موقعك مع المحتوى من خلال كلمات رئيسية محددة سلفا التفتيش
  • صندوق البحث -- أضف المشترك وصفت مربع البحث
  • التصنيف الدليل -- إنشاء فئة ودليل التفتيش على أساس محتوى الموقع
  • خطأ في الصفحة 404 -- اتجه إلى إحراج كسر الروابط والصفحات في عداد المفقودين في الفرص المدرة للدخل
كيف يعمل
  • اخترت البحث دليل التنفيذ أو أن أفضل تناسب احتياجاتك
  • عليك نسخ ولصق أو مجرد استخدام الإنترنت لدمج معالج برعاية المحتوى
  • الزوار استخدام مربع البحث ، أو اضغط على وصلة أو دليل دينامية الإعلانية
  • نقدم محتوى الاعلانات ذات الصلة من شبكة MIVA
  • الزوار اضغط على واحد أو أكثر من الإعلانات
  • لك الحصول على دخل من خلال نقرات الزوار

وتوليد الدخل ، متفوقة تكنولوجيا ، على الثقة والشراكة ودعم العملاء هي القوة الدافعة للشبكة الناشر.
توليد الدخل
تكسب ما يصل الى الصناعة ارتفاع 65 ٪ من دفع هذه الدفعة من الرواتب الشهرية لجميع إيرادات الإعلانات على موقع الويب الخاص بك يولد! Fastclick يدفع بها 25th من الشهر عن الشهر السابق ، أو من خلال فحص بايبال.
والآن يمكنك تحسين الايرادات إعلانك مع إعلانات نصية! الإعلانات النصية جديد ، مبني على النص شكل الاعلان للتخصيص من قبل الناشر لتتكامل مع موقعك وتكمل حاليا عرض الاعلانات الخاصة بك. الانضمام الينا لنرى امكانيات.
ابقاء السيطرة والمرونة من موقعك -- اخترت حملات ما كنت تريد تشغيل موقعك وإدارة كل من واجهة واحدة على الانترنت التقارير. التقصير توجيه ودعم العملاء أحرار!
الناشر دينا قاعدة عضو تماما غير حصري (اي العقود) ، أو أي مدة حجم الالتزامات المطلوبة. تحصل على دفع في الوقت المناسب للإعلان عن الإعلانات ، التي تخدم أبدا دفع رسوم أو رسوم الافتراضي ، ويمكن إلغاء في أي وقت.
دعم العملاء
دعم العملاء متاح لجميع الناشرين في أي تكلفة لمساعدتكم مع إعداد الحساب ، ودفع المزيد من الأسئلة.
الانضمام الأسرع نموا في شبكة الاعلان على شبكة الانترنت اليوم.
  • تكسب ما يصل الى الصناعة ارتفاع 65 ٪ من دفع هذه الدفعة من الرواتب الشهرية
  • حملة رقابة على الانترنت التفاعلية
  • خدمات الدعم المجاني
  • أي رسوم
  • أي عقود حصرية
  • لا عقود الحجم
  • لا رسوم خدمة
  • إلغاء في أي وقت

ContextAd ينص على زيادة كبيرة في انقر throughs ، مما يؤدي إلى زيادة فعالية الكلفات بألف ظهور. المطابقة وأنسب المواقع لأنسب المعلنين يترجم القدرة على تحسين إدارة وبيع المخزون. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإن التكنولوجيا الفريدة والقدرة على جسر الكلمات الرئيسية واستهداف فئة يعني انه يمكن الوصول إلى المخزون الجديد يمكن أن تتيح للمعلنين والناشرين ، وخلق آفاق جديدة للعائدات تماما. وتمثل هذه العوامل الحاسمة للمنافسة والمفرقون الاقتصادية التي تتطور بسرعة في فئة الاعلانات في مواقع المحتويات.
  • نقد المخزون الحالي الخاص بك. فرص جديدة للحصر.
  • تخصيص الإبداعية التي تتناسب مع مظهر وموقعك.
  • وتظهر تقارير لك على الانترنت في الوقت الحقيقي من الإيرادات. الوصول إليها عبر الإنترنت 24 / 7.
  • شروط تجارية عادلة وشفافة.
  • التوقيع سيكون أمرا سهلا. بدء استخدام ContextAd في غضون دقائق.
هناك العديد من الفوائد لاستخدام ContextAd :
إعلانات الخدمة في الوقت الحقيقي
ContextAd براءات الاختراع ونحن في انتظار وتستخدم التكنولوجيا للربط بين المحتوى والإعلانات وجميع المستخدمين داخل اقل من 20 في الألف. نظامنا يسند تعريف كل صفحة ويب في شبكتنا في الوقت الحقيقي مما يعني أنه يمكن استخدام ContextAd مع المحتوى الديناميكي. ونتيجة لذلك ، هل يمكن أن تبين أهم الإعلانات على جميع صفحات موقعك ، وزيادة القيمة للمستخدمين والمعلنين ، وفي الوقت نفسه زيادة الكلفة بألف ظهور.
فئات والكلمات الرئيسية التي تستخدم للمطابقة
ContextAd يتجاوز البحث عن كلمة رئيسية واحدة. انها مؤشرات صفحتك مع عدة كلمات رئيسية في فئة ودون تأخير وقتا طويلا من ناحية الترميز. مزيج فريد من هذه الفئة ، والكلمات الرئيسية التي توفر مزيدا من القيمة على المعلن ، وبالتالي ارتفاع تكلفة الألف ظهور لك. انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد
زيادة المخزون
والكلمة الرئيسية ContextAd يخلق فئة الجرد عبر المحتوى ، حل حصر النقص القائم على البحث عن الكلمات الرئيسية.
خلق آفاق جديدة للعائدات
ContextAd يقدم لك القدرة على خلق آفاق جديدة للعائدات عن طريق إضافة وحدات إعلانية المحتويات على موقعك. وتستخدم العائدات ContextAd نظام التصنيف هذا يكافئ الإعلانات ذات الأداء الأفضل مع حجم أكبر. This means that the targeted ads that are rotated across your web site are optimized based on relevance, performance, and price, so they produce as much revenue as possible. When ads are more relevant, more users will be interested in them and will click on
them more often - earning more money for you.

Add value to existing inventory
Our technology identifies the most accurate keywords to describe the content on each page and then delivers ads from the related category, creating greater value. Ultimately your web site becomes a more trusted resource for customers since they only view ads that are relevant to their own interests.
ContextAd can support customized ad units
ContextAd not only supports standard IAB sizes, but also allows non-standard sizes as well. For example, ContextWeb's PowerAd (500x300) has been created to maximize the publisher's CPM.
Customize the look and feel of the ads on your web page
You now have the ability to control the various colors of the creative units on your web pages. Customize your ads by text color, title color, background color and the border color. This can all be easily accomplished through the online portal for publishers.
Online reports are continually updated. Access them online 24/7.
Once you are using ContextAd you will have access to continually updated revenue reporting. Our system tracks ad performance and provides detailed reporting on page impressions, number of clicks, click through rates and overall revenue results.


Accelerate your site's revenue
Stop wasting space on your site serving annoying graphical ads that surfers mentally tune out. Accelerate your revenues by serving great looking TargetFirst text ads that have a much higher click through rate, and blend in beautifully with your pages.
Earning Power
TargetFirst's auction environment utilizes proprietary Value Rank technology giving advertisers unprecedented control and clarity about the traffic they are bidding on, this consistently drives better returns for publishers with quality traffic. TargetFirst pays promptly on the 15th of each month so there is no waiting to collect the revenue you earn.

Spider based ad-serving puts the context of the ads served to your site in the hands of a robot that often makes mistakes, leaving you with an underperforming CTR. TargetFirst uses a passive spider that simply flags our administrators when it thinks our channel-based system may be making mistakes. Giving publishers the most possible control over every single aspect of how ads are served was the minimum benchmark used when publisher console was designed.
At TargetFirst, we know that we are only as successful as our publisher partners. We look at our publishers as true partners, we are always willing to talk to you about your eCPM goals and strategize with you on ways to constantly improve it. Naturally there are no exclusivity or volume contracts.


CoverClicks ads are shown all over the Internet through pop-ups, pop-unders, banner ads, text ads and more. Now you can work with one of the most profitable programs available at a payout usually reserved for the largest advertising networks.
CoverClicks provides flexible real-time reporting, multiple creatives and reliable payment.
Sign up, place CoverClicks links on your site or email lists and then watch your stats in real-time. Conversions can often be as high as 60% off the click.
CoverClicks is the exclusive marketer of WinHundred.com, MaxMoolah.com and SweepsFactory.com.


AdBrite, "The Internet's Ad Marketplace", is an e-commerce site. Rather than selling books, CDs, or rare antiques, AdBrite sells ad space on thousands of websites.
If you're a publisher, use AdBrite to set your own ad rates, and approve or reject every ad that's purchased for your site. AdBrite enables you to instantly sell ads to your visitors via a "Your Ad Here" link, in addition to selling through AdBrite's marketplace and sales team.
Our revenue split is 75/25 in your favor. Through a small snippet of HTML placed on your site, we handle serving, scheduling, billing, customer service, and sales. About half of AdBrite's sales are generated from our marketplace and sales team, while the other half are generated from users clicking "Your Ad Here" on our publisher's sites.
While AdBrite can provide publishers with more revenue and better ads than traditional ad networks such as Google AdSense, we work fine along-side them as a simple way to generate additional ad revenue by selling ads directly to your visitors -- something the other ad systems don't do.
If you're using AdBrite in addition to another ad network, you can turn off AdBrite's "run-of-network ads" and AdBrite will only display ads that have been approved by you. If you have no ads running, AdBrite will display nothing but "Your Ad Here", so no real estate is wasted and you have nothing to lose.
AdBrite doesn't display the big "brick" of ads that you're used to. Rather, AdBrite gives publishers full control over the look and feel of their ads so AdBrite can be integrated seamlessly into any website.


Rydium was founded in 1999 with a mandate to provide branding and direct response advertising opportunities across a group of niche content online publishers. Rydium continues to maintain its position as a premium online advertising company.
The Rydium Network is formed by our top tier, best performing websites. We promote and work with each one individually, giving both the advertiser and the publisher substantial advertising opportunities. By advertising within the Rydium Network, your campaign will reach its targeted and savvy audience, as we have structured our network with various channels to offer diversification and the opportunity to properly optimize our advertiser's campaigns.
Due to the demand and versatility of our advertisers needs the Rydium Network has adapted quickly and expanded its focus into the following vertical markets; Gaming, Wireless, Shopping, Entertainment and Sports.


Claxon Media offers you multiple ad formats, accurate stats, timely payments (check, wire, & Paypal), low minimum earning requirements, high fill rates, and the ability to preview ads, opt out of ads, and set up defaults. We also guarantee speedy replies to your questions and the best customer service possible.


Earn 6 to 20 centers every time a surfer clicks on an advertisement on your page.
Use text links, buttons, or banners.


Start earning large amounts of commission now by joining one of the many Affiliate programs listed in the clixGalore affiliate network.
Using the 'Instant Website Builder' tool, located in your clixGalore Member Home area, you can easily and instanly generate promotional web pages containing our Merchant's products. You may use these pages to promote and earn commission for product sales generated for our Merchants.
clixGalore is one of the larger affiliate networks with over 4500+ Affiliate programs for you to join. Affiliate networks and affiliate programs are increasingly used by merchants for affiliate marketing and product / website promotion. These merchants seek affiliates to promote their products / services and in return will pay you high commissions.
Join our affiliate network and choose from the many affiliate programs that will pay you high commissions for displaying advertisements on your website, in newsletters and emails. You may choose from the many graphic, text, Macromedia 'flash' or custom html advertisements available.


Generating revenue, superior technology, a trusting partnership and customer support are the driving force of our Publisher network.
Generate Revenue
Earn up to an industry-high 65-percent monthly payout on all advertising revenue your website generates! Aclickcent pays by the 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPal.
And now you can improve your ad revenue with Text Ads! Text Ads are a new, text-based ad format customizable by the publisher to integrate with your site and complement your current display advertising. Join us to see the possibilities.
Keep control and flexibility of your website - you choose what campaigns you want to run on your website and manage everything from a single online reporting interface. Default redirects and customer support are free!
Our publisher member base is entirely non-exclusive (no contracts), with no duration or volume commitments required. You get paid on time for the ads you advertise, never pay serving fees or default fees, and can cancel at any time.
Customer Support
Customer support is available to all publishers at no cost to assist you with your account setup, payment questions and more.
Join the fastest growing online advertising network today.
  • Earn up to an industry-high 65-percent monthly payout
  • Online interactive campaign control
  • Free support service
  • No fees
  • No exclusivity contracts
  • No volume contracts
  • No serving charges
  • Cancel at any time


DynamiContext provides web publishers a new way to gain new and increased advertising revenue streams and take part of the booming online advertising market that is expected to grow by 2008 to a $15.6 billion market.
DynamiContext is a contextual advertising solution for web publishers interested to increase their online advertising revenue, while providing value to their users. DynamiContext uses patent-pending technology to analyze web pages in real time, seamlessly determine the topic and keywords of each page, and then deliver advertisers' targeted messages that are relevant to the context.
DynamiContext delivers additional revenue for web Publishers from day one of implementation.
DynamiContext delivers the targeted advertisements via two unique Ad Units that web Publishers can utilize: AdLink and TextMatch.
Benefits for web Publishers
Maximized ad revenues and new revenue opportunities with minimal effort
  • Improve user experience and overall website and content quality by increasing the relevancy of ads to content.
  • Increase CPMs and CPCs and improve click-through rates by serving ads that are relevant to content.
  • Provide an improved advertising solution for advertisers and agencies
  • Start generating Revenue from Day one of implementation, utilizing DynamiContext's MultiSource Ad System.
Editorial setup and Customization
  • Define Specific Content Categories and targeting rules.
  • Filter out your competitors' ads.
  • Fine-tune keywords, relevancy criteria and custom rules to match your specific business requirements.
Superior technology provides best-of-breed solution
  • Unmatched semantic and statistical algorithms facilitate matching relevant ads to unlimited dynamic pages of content.
  • Achieve real relevancy based on the actual data extracted from pages of content, Vs. Relying only on category-level matching.
  • Enjoy a fully dynamic solution that handles content as it is served (supports news feeds, multiple content sources, etc.), with no lag time or reliance on a search engineindex.
  • Machine-learning algorithms 'learn' the structure of the content to ensure that only relevant ads are served.
Effortless Setup
  • As easy as placing banner ads tag on a web page.
  • Up and running in hours with practically no technical integration.
  • Utilize multiple ad formats automatically (Single ad tag will enable both TextMatch and AdLinks).
  • Customize ad units, using multiple format paramters, to fit your site's format and structure.


AzoogleAds is a performance-based online advertising network comprised of a variety of effective large to medium vertical sites, portals and email publishers.
  • Guaranteed Highest CPA Payouts.
  • 75%+ CPM payouts (highest in industry).
  • Variety of CPM, CPC, and CPA choices Fortune 500, and 1000 Advertisers.
  • Proven net 15 ON-TIME payouts.
  • Fanatical Customer Support.
  • Exclusive Rewards Program.

Casale Media 

Looking for an end-to-end solution that delivers maximum earnings and high quality advertising content? Casale Media connects its publishers to a large selection of quality advertisers across all verticals, and provides the technology needed to track, analyze and optimize the value and utilization of online media inventory. All Casale Media publishers are provided with a custom web-based account interface that empowers them to take complete control over every conceivable aspect of ad management. Best of all, every ad delivered to publishers' sites is dynamically optimized to maximize advertising income and inventory allocation. That means happy advertisers, satisfied readers, and more revenue for publishers.
If the web property you currently operate receives more than 10,000 unique visitors per month, attracts an English-based audience, and is hosted under a root domain ( eghttp://www.domain.com ), you may qualify to become a publisher of the Casale Media advertising network.
Casale Media Publisher Highlights:
  • Maximize the CPM value and fill percentage of your online media inventory
  • Receive the industry's highest revenue share - 70%
  • Monitor and evaluate traffic, campaign, and advertiser performance in real-time for all of your sites
  • Place high-quality ads from leading advertisers
  • Take total control of your inventory, filter advertisers and ad content, set CPM criteria, fully manage default campaigns, and much more!
  • No risk with CPM disbursements and dependable Net 30 payments
  • The industry's highest inventory fill percentages
  • Streamlined user interface makes it quick and easy to access the statistics and controls you need
  • Unrestricted advertiser selection and complete ad filtering control
  • Publisher frequency caps

Burst Media 

BURST! Media sells advertising for more than 2000 websites that represent the highest quality specialty content on the Internet. BURST! is devoted to meeting the needs of both our specialty-content web publishers, and advertisers who understand the unique value of specialty-content web sites and their audiences.
Do you have a specialty content web site with a passionate audience? BURST! can help you make money through advertising to your site visitors. Get a powerful set of tools that make it quick and easy to manage advertising on your site while maintaining complete control.

Tribal Fusion 

The quality and reach of the sites Tribal Fusion represents is the key to building successful relationships with advertisers. Tribal Fusion strives to maintain pure, relevant content in each of their channels, and accepts only a small percentage of publishers who seek representation.
Publishers who meet the rigorous quality standards can expect to discover the benefits of partnering with Tribal Fusion - and maximize the value of their highly targeted content:
  • Top CPM rates. Highly respected advertisers and smart campaigns generate high CPMs for your valuable online ad inventory.
  • Increased sales force at reduced cost. Save the cost of recruiting, training, and maintaining an in-house sales force.
  • Free proprietary ad-serving solution. Serve and manage your own campaigns through a powerful interface.


Right Media offers publishers different solutions to help them manage preemptible (non-guaranteed) inventory more efficiently. Some use Yield Manager as a full media management platform. Some simply join the RM Ad Network. All benefit from a fundamental methodology: 1) let thousands of campaigns in the broad marketplace compete for every impression; 2) always serve the highest-paying campaign.
The RM Ad Network takes a new, Darwinian approach to inventory management: force advertisers to compete for every impression. Instead of guaranteeing advertisers or ad networks bulks of inventory (often at fixed prices that might not reflect true value), publishers on the RM Ad Network auction off every impression to the buyer that can pay the most, and maximize revenue.

Are you a publisher looking to maximize your advertising revenue? Applying to become a publisher of the RealTechNetwork may be what you have been looking for.
Why choose RealTechNetwork?
  • All US/CAN/UK/AU/EU advertisements are on a CPM basis.
  • All other international traffic is accepted and based on a CPC/CPM ratio.
  • Complete 100% sell-through of your traffic*.
  • Some of the highest paying rates available for a variety of the most popular creative sizes.
  • All payments are either paid to you net-60 via check, Paypal, or wire transfer.
  • Company checks airmailed to all international publishers free of charge.
  • Join a trusted network with over 700 + active publishers.
  • Over 1.6 billion impressions served each month!
  • One of the industry's highest payouts: 70% revenue share.
  • Dependable payment terms - Net 60.
  • Referral program - Earn 5% of referred advertiser's expenditure and 5% of referred publisher's earnings for life of referral.
  • Complete publisher control over inventory.
  • No type of contract to sign.
  • No active-x, malware, adware, spyware, or hijacking types creatives accepted on the network.
  • No Paypal fees to worry about (RealTechNetwork covers them all).
  • Top tiered advertisers such as Dell, Gillette, Citicorp, Microsoft's MSN, and various Time Warner properties.

Buds Media Network 

Whether you're using us for a piece of your ad chain, your only ad source, or to run campaigns through our affiliate network, BUDS Media is dedicated to getting you the highest revenue possible for your inventory. Unlike other networks that can't fill your entire inventory and leave you with unsold impressions, BUDS Media guarantees to fully sell all your ads at premium rates. Our affiliate network also has tons of top notch offers, such as Hotbar, screensavers.com, and great sweepstakes and giveaways.


ValueClick Media is one of the largest and most reputable online advertising networks, representing more than 6,000 quality media properties of all sizes, including top portals, leading vertical content sites and niche content sites. Whether on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, publishers can depend on ValueClick Media for a comprehensive and reliable solution to generate revenue from their online advertising inventory.
High Effective CPMs
ValueClick Media's experienced national advertising sales team works hard to get the best possible rates, so revenue opportunities can be passed along to publishers.
Guaranteed On-Time Payments
ValueClick Media offers competitive rates and the most frequent payments to publishers for verified traffic, whether or not payment has been received from advertisers.
Leading Brand Advertisers
Established relationships with major online advertisers across all vertical market segments allow ValueClick Media to bring publishers the most effective and relevant advertisements to their users.
Maximize Revenue from Multiple Ad Units
ValueClick Media's experienced business development team works with publishers to determine the best way to leverage available inventory, whether on a CPM, CPC or CPL/CPA basis.
Competitive Referral Program
ValueClick Media offers a competitive referral program to increase profits by inviting new sites to become ValueClick Media Publisher Partners.
Other Publisher Features:
  • Easy sign-up and implementation
  • Competitive rates
  • Top tier advertisers
  • Real-time online reporting
  • Complete tracking and billing
  • Responsive publisher services
  • 99.9% network reliability
  • Multiple revenue streams
  • Multiple ad formats

Mamma Media Solutions 

Earn revenue from search and graphic advertising while enhancing your site at the same time. You have the flexibility to select or combine two different types of revenue streams for your website: search ads or graphic ads.
Graphic Ad Solutions
Maximize revenue on your site with a wide range of ad units based on viewed ad impressions or clicks. Receive targeted ads, from high quality advertisers on your site and increase your site's earning potential.
Search Solutions
Implement a simple search solution to make your site more user friendly and generate revenue. You can choose to have organic search results, or search ads, or both!

RealCast Media 

RealCast Media was designed to provide small- and mid-sized web sites with an avenue to become part of an online publishing team. Our philosophy is not to concentrate on the larger web sites that other site representation companies seek. We believe that the small- and mid-sized web sites provide a more focused and selective reach. Likewise, we find our web users to be extremely active and more comfortable with their online experience.
RealCast Media continually seeks high-quality web sites with targeted content and loyal audiences.
When you become a member of the RealCast Media publishing team, you receive:
Maximized Revenue
We provide online reporting of all web traffic to maintain our "win-win" campaign philosophy.
Niche Publishing Operations
RealCast Media is comprised on small- to mid-sized web sites with a dedicated user base. We seek niche web sites and audiences outside the Media Metrix Top 100 web sites.
State-of-the Art Technology
RealCast Media uses superior ad serving technology and years of experience in online marketing to help publishers and networks to effectively sell their online inventory.

Hurricane Digital Media 

Why Choose Hurricane Digital Media?
  • We sell and manage your advertising inventory
  • We have 100% sell through - no more default ads
  • We payout net 45
  • We serve CPM offers
  • Payments via check or PayPal
  • No monthly minimum impression volume requirements
  • Non-exclusive agreement - 60% payout
  • Exclusive agreement - 75% payout
  • Run our ads as much, or as little as you want
  • We accept forums, messageboards, chat, and new sites
  • Top-notch customer service


Advertising.com conducts strategic direct-response and brand marketing campaigns that guarantee bottom-line results for our clients. From web ads to search listings, we offer diverse tactical tools, innovative thinking and the most expansive reach in the industry.
There's no better way for publishers to monetize their advertising inventory than by partnering with Advertising.com. We'll increase your revenue using the most innovative strategies and technologies available - with program choices that give you confidence and control.
  • Fill your inventory - with our massive and diverse advertiser base, we offer reliable, long-term revenue for 100% of your web and email inventory.
  • Create new revenue streams - we're continually developing innovative new revenue opportunities for you, including behavioral targeting, co-registration and more.
  • Boost your appeal - our specialized tools and technologies will help you make your inventory as attractive and lucrative as possible for advertisers. And when they perform well, you perform well.


At adagency1 we provide you, as our Affiliate, with a constant stream of web revenue. We do this by helping you sell 100% of your impressions to a growing number of advertisers?we have hundreds of advertisers who are eager to buy ad space on your pages.
If you're interested in earning maximum income (70% payout) from your site's assets, you've come to the right place. adagency1 is the industry's most complete single source for adding more revenue generators to your site. (However you choose to work with us, you get attentive customer service, easy-to-use online reports, and reliable payments (Net 60 days via Stormpay), too.
Become one of the more than 100 sites on the leading CPM-based, direct response network! You make money from whatever portion of your inventory you want to make available.

Traffic Marketplace 

Become a Traffic Marketplace Express Publisher today and start earning additional revenue serving ads from your website. We bring the advertisers to your site and pay you 65% of the revenue your site's users generate.
Our top publishers are earning over $10,000 per month. Sign up your site and start enjoying these benefits:
  • Consistent payments - net-30 terms puts money in your pocket each month
  • Automatic optimization - proprietary technology maximizes your revenue
  • Online reporting - manage your account with continuous visibility
  • Referral and Affiliate Programs - earn revenue helping us grow our network

Revenue Science 

Behavioral targeting from Revenue Science enables you to increase revenue with little investment - regardless of the size and type of your web site, or your current advertising model.
We are dedicated to helping you monetize your web site inventory by leveraging our:
  • Science: We are the creators of the most advanced behavioral targeting technology in the industry that is unmatched for accurately segmenting behaviors and actions into audiences.
  • Media Expertise: We live and breathe our technology and will guide you through implementation, activation, and adoption in order to increase your revenue.
  • Results: We are relentlessly focused on producing increased revenue results for our publisher clients. Don't take our word for it - see what our clients have to say.
With unmatched technology and seasoned media experts, Revenue Science is the clear market leader in behavioral targeting. Our customers range from the largest multinational media companies to small "long-tail" sites that serve dedicated, passionate audiences.
Collectively, our publishers represent more than 30 billion behavioral targeting impressions across the Internet, enabling Fortune 500 to top direct response advertisers to effectively reach their most interested audiences.


There are a lot of ways to sell advertising space. We want to maximize the long-term value of your web site by helping you sell directly to advertisers. Selling directly promotes your brand and your business, so that advertisers can discover the true value of your web site's content and audience. Adify costs nothing to try, and gives you greater control over your advertising destiny.
Grow your revenue by capturing new advertisers
  • Over 500,000 advertisers - and thousands more each day - are buying online advertising using self service tools. These advertisers are looking for new places to spend their online advertising dollars.
  • Most publishers lack the time and/or tools to service these new direct advertisers. Adify allows you to sell directly to these new advertisers through a branded, self-service storefront.
  • You set the price and terms of the ad space you sell through your storefront. Unlike third-party ad sales, you can set rates for advertisers that truly represents the value of your site's content and visitors.
You're in control
  • Adify is designed from the ground up to meet publisher's needs.
  • You control every aspect of your storefront - merchandising, pricing, ad space creation, advertiser approval, and payment options.
  • Sell text or graphic ads; sponsorships, CPM or CPC - you decide which mix works best for your web site and your advertisers.
  • You keep 80% of the ad revenue. Adify charges an Advertising Deployment and Delivery ("ADD") Fee of 20% for powering your storefront and related services.
Adify makes it easy
  • Adify automates the entire direct advertising sales process.
  • We host your storefront, and take care of billing, ad serving, tracking, reporting, and collecting payments.
  • Set-up is quick - in just a few steps you can set up your storefront and start selling your ad space.
  • With Adify's account management tools, you can easily test and optimize different ways of setting up your storefront and selling your ad inventory.
Count on world-class service and support
  • Adify's founders are Internet ad network and media pioneers. We understand the needs of all types of publishers, so you can depend on us to deliver the service you expect.

OutBout Media 

As a publishing partner in the Outbout Publishing Network, you receive 60% of what advertisers pay per each unique click your website generates. To integrate our unique contextual PPC ads into your site, we provide you various linking methods ranging from dynamic targeted banners to advanced XML and RSS integration.
We believe that simplicity is the key to your success. Our contextual banners automatically match your site up with related ads so you can start earning revenue quickly and easily. All our results are sorted by the highest bidder thus helping you achieve the maximum revenue possible from your traffic.
Best of all, this partnership is offered to you at no cost and we help you in everyway possible to maximize your potential traffic revenue.
24-7 RealMedia 

24-7 RealMedia helps publishers offer advertising packages to leading marketers, in addition 24-7 RealMedia offers advertising management, web site representation, lead generation optimization and support targeting your market segments with the goal being retaining traffic.
Advertising Management 

It's easy to mange your web site's advertisements with 24-7 RealMedia. Open Adstream, 24-7 RealMedia's management software offers publishers an effective way to maximize their ad inventory. It's easy to choose which advertisements you would like delivered from your web site, in addition metrics which include campaign status and web site analytics, revenue reports, and behavioral reports are included. Open Adstream is one of the most powerful advertising management systems around making it an indispensable resource for any web site publisher.
Web Site Representation 

24-7 RealMedia includes tools for publishers to help attract the right audience to advertisers. 24-7 RealMedia helps web site publishers attain exposure from the top advertising agencies and advertises around the globe. Publishers can be exposed to over 120 million users each month with Global web Alliance. In addition to great exposure, you can also gain valuable information through inventory management data and audience intelligence making sure that your web site's representation is maximized effectively.
Lead Generation 

24-7 RealMedia also offers publishers with a comprehensive strategy to boost lead generation. 24-7 RealMedia works together with you to ensure your search marketing strategy is on target and fully optimized with the latest technology. Display advertising is also an important tool in a lead generation strategy and 24-7 RealMedia expertise can help you grow your publishing business.
Retention and Traffic 

It's easy to retain your traffic once you know what has been attracting them. Open Adstream employs a strategy of behavioral targeting to your publishing business. With just one click, you can gain the insight and ability to deliver the right audience to your advertisers. With Open Adstream, the benefits of targeting your audience don't stop there, once visitors return to your web site or any site on the Global web Alliance, you can easily retarget your visitor via previous behavioral traits.

Commission Junction 

It's easy to maximize your revenue opportunities with Commission Junction. Commission Junction works with top advertisers to deliver robust results to publishers around the globe.
Commission Junction offers its publishers the CJ Marketplace. This is a marketplace filled with top rated advertisers that CJ publishers can promote and market. Commission Junction offers handsome commissions for either lead generation or sales. As a publisher, you can easily search through the CJ Marketplace to find leading advertisers to place on your web site, search listing or even email campaign and with Commission Junction management system, you can easily analyze the many reports and metrics available and fine tune your strategy to boost revenue even more. Commission Junction is extremely transparent with its publishers and advertisers and offers two metrics which include EPC (average earnings per 100 clicks) and network earnings. This enables a way for both publishers and advertisers to analyze the effectiveness of their strategy.
Another way to boost revenue even further is to utilize CJ Performer. CJ Performer is exclusive to top performing publishers. CJ Performer offers qualifying publishers an account manger, top customer service including technical support and transactional feeds that can be customized to a specific web site.
Commission Junction is one of the top cost per action ad networks in the industry with thousands of advertisers and publishers enrolled. Commission Junction has earned a reputation for delivering an excellent return on investment for both advertisers and publishers.


LinkShare is one of the largest CPA (cost per action) ad networks. LinkShare has been around since 1996 and is well known as one of the top ad networks for affiliate marketers (publishers) offering the largest pay for performance affiliate marketing network and being seen as one of the most respected brokers bringing together both advertisers and publishers.
LinkShare goes a long way to make sure that both advertisers and publishers are given the tools to generate revenue. LinkShare does a fine job of tracking and reporting for both advertisers and publishers, sending out detailed reports on every ad placed, disbursing monthly payments and providing tools to help customize and optimize their web sites to succeed online.
LinkShare offers publishers a commission when a specific action takes place. For instance, LinkShare offers pay per click (CPC), pay per lead generated (CPA) and pay per sale (CPA).


LinkShare provides publishers with accurate technology. LinkShare's tracking technology does not use cookies to track action and is therefore considered to be far more reliable than other ad networks. LinkShare's tracking technology is web based and extremely easy for publishers to manage.

Tools and Solutions 

LinkShare Affiliate Tools and Solutions offer its publisher a wide range of resources to get the most out of their ad network experience.
  • Merchandiser Data feed- This tool allows publishers to easily download links to their web site, no longer requiring publishers to create each link manually.
  • Dynamic Rich Media- Looking for an easy way to receive updates, Dynamic Rich Media makes it easy for advertisers to update their content to their affiliates without changing code.
  • Signature- Signature is a great way to view transactions on every level, whether it is an individual member, sub site or organization.
LinkShare is a CPA ad network that offers reliability, comprehensive support and excellent pay outs. As a publisher, you can start earning immediately by signing up and becoming a LinkShare affiliate. Joining LinkShare is incredibly easy and it's free to become a member.

MSN AdCenter 

MSN has joined the other goliaths in Search (Google and Yahoo!) delivering a respectable CPC ad network. MSN adCenter was launched in the beginning of 2006 for advertisers and is currently in closed beta for publishers. However, it is expected that in the near future, MSN adCenter will be welcoming publishers.
MSN adCenter Technology 

MSN adCenter's technology is similar to Google Adwords, both use a Pay per Click approach that has advertisers bidding on keywords and creating text based ads. A strong selling point is the ability of those advertising on MSN AdCenter to target their market by serving ads to specific demographics and restricting demographics that don't fit the advertisers target market. In addition, advertisers can bid a premium to view specific demographics potentially increasing the conversion rate.
While information is not yet available regarding what kind of features and resources will be made available to publishers once the close beta ends, many in the industry expect that MSN will deliver an effective CPC ad network, ensuring that MSN adCenter will be one of the biggest players in the industry.

Accelerator Media 

Maximize revenue with one of the most effective ad servicing technologies available. Accelerator Media is billed as Intelligent Targeted Advertising giving this ad network a step up on the competition.
Accelerator Media strives to bring top notched service and high level performance to affiliates to ensure robust revenue generation. Accelerator Media ad network actually learns the user's behavior so that advertisers don't have to focus only on one channel. Accelerator Media goes further and analyses the users past behavior, serving out ads that it believes will spur interest in the user.
Maximize Revenue 

For publishers that are looking to maximize their revenue, Accelerator Media pays publishers from 50% to 60% (percentage varies depending on whether Accelerator Media sells your exclusive ad space or just handles inventory that is unsold).
Accelerator Media's Top Rated Ad Serving Technology 

Accelerator Media uses Adbureau to serve its ads globally. Publishers can easily choose their own campaigns, allowing a publisher to ad code to the web sites or web pages by easily cutting and pasting. Once up and running, Accelerator Media gives you comprehensive web stats that can easily be analyzed to optimize your revenue potential.
Advertisers Love Accelerator Media 

Accelerator Media has 19 channels that can be divided further into 400 sub channels giving advertisers a great opportunity at content specific ads. Accelerator Media helps publishers by aggregating similar sites into a focused channel or sub channel, raising ad rates and revenue for publishers.
Core Technology Features 

Accelerator Media makes ad management for both buyers and sellers extremely efficient by maximizing the value of each ad. Following are the core technology features included:
  • Unique Auction Platform allows campaigns to compete for each impression. Competition is based on its real value determined by both buyers and seller in a real time auction environment
  • Ability for buyers to optimize global media, enhancing return on investment goals on each ad that is called
  • Inventory optimization for sellers. This technology serves out the highest paying ad on each ad that is called.
  • Advanced workflow technology makes it easy for targeting, reporting and banning.


Maximize your Unsold Inventory with AdDynamix 

AdDynamix has a reputation for being one of the most trusted CPM and CPC ad networks on the net. AdDynamix has helped many web publishers not only maximize revenue, but also generate new opportunities for growth.
If you are looking to completely outsource your sales or just need a service to help you maximize your unsold inventory, AdDynamix can help you reach your goals.
Top Reasons to Choose AdDynamix 

  • No Exclusionary contracts
  • Offers one of the top pay out rates of any ad network to maximize your revenue
  • A very long list of Fortune 500 Advertisers that buy AdDynamix ads
  • Resources to maximize your unsold inventory quickly and easily
  • Advanced AdDynamix technology includes the ability for ads to be rotated and includes real time reporting, auditing and much, much more.
  • AdDynamix has been around since 1997
  • AdDynamix is audited and its technology is certified.
AdDynamix is committed to providing its publishers with extremely effective and easy to use solutions to maximize ad space and revenue. There is a wide range of ads that can be served including banners, leaderboards, medium rectangles, skyscrapers, floating ads and pop unders.


AdEngage makes it extremely easy for publishers to generate ad revenue by displaying text based ads on their web sites.
How AdEngage Works 

For publishers, AdEngage is simple to use, sign up and list your site on AdEngage's web site directory, paste a few lines of HTML code on your web site and advertisers can choose to buy advertising on your site. Once an ad space is purchased by an advertiser AdEngage simply serves the ads. Payment is made from the advertiser to the publisher through the AdEngage network.
AdEngage helps the publisher with many services including promoting your site to publishers, as well as payment processing, comprehensive site statistics, ad rotation and responsive technical support via email or phone.
AdEngage Weekly Ads 

AdEngage offers advertisers the opportunity for their ad to run on a publisher's sites for one week intervals. Ads are priced on a per week basis, whether viewers click the CPC ad or not. In addition, if a publisher has inventory available, CPC run on network ads can be rotated until weekly ads are purchased.
Ad Integration Tools 

AdEngage allows publishers to blend ads into their web sites very easily. The publisher can easily customize the ad by selecting the size and color of each ad box. The publisher can even choose the color, range of spacing, font styles, etc.
Ad Placement 

Ad placement can be critical to revenue success. AdEngage offers publishers an entire guide to help with optimal placement of ads to maximize revenue.
Text and Photo Ads 

AdEngage offers the publisher the ability to serve both text ads and photo ads. Text based ads is usually referred to as the industry standard, however photo ads are quickly becoming extremely popular and can boost revenue potential in certain situations. A photo ad box is an ad that display images selected by the advertiser. These images usually have a greater opportunity of gaining a viewers attention than the standard text ad.


Adgenta wants publishers to discover their income potential.
Adgenta is extremely easy to use, but a very powerful tool to unlock revenue on either a web site or blog. Adgenta offers Q-Ads which make it very easy to embed ads on either your web site or blog just by cutting and pasting.
Be In Control of the Ads you Show 

Because Q-Ads allow you to choose the keywords for the advertisements shown on your site, making controlling the ads that are shown extremely easy and also increasing your ability to monetize your content, blog, RSS feed or web site. Q-Ads even boost your control by allowing you choose what your ads look like, which ads can be displayed and the placement of ads. It is extremely easy to generate revenue with Adgenta on your own terms.
Highlights of Adgenta's Q-Ads
  • As a publisher, you are free from traditional ad network constraints. You have enormous control regarding all aspects of ad delivery.
  • Adgenta Q-Ads is the perfect tool for bloggers. Bloggers can choose ads with specific keywords based upon a blog's content.
  • Maximize Ad Revenue. Q-Ads automatically display the highest paying advertisement for each keyword you choose. In addition, Adgenta makes sure that payouts are one of the highest in the industry.
  • Q-Ads is constantly updated to improve the ads that are available to publishers. A pool of advertisers offers plenty of ads on almost any topic or niche.
  • Easy to Customize. Ads inserted into web sites and blogs are extremely flexible, because they are images, you can place them anywhere on your web page or blog.
For those bloggers and web site publishers that would like to monetize and maximize their ad generating potential, there is no easier way on the net than with Adgenta.

Looking for a great cost per click ad network? Partnering with AdKnowledge is one of the most effective ways to receive the best eCPM (earning for clicks per thousand) in the industry. Outsourcing your ad inventory to AdKnowledge is the perfect solution for web, search and email inventory.
The Benefits of Using AdKnowledge 

  • Extremely high eCPM's due to AdKnowledge's behavioral targeting technology
  • An installation process that is very easy and works with practically all types of existing technologies
  • Ads that are extremely relevant, easily gaining the attention of viewers and increasing retention.
It's Easy to Outsource Your Ad Inventory with AdStation 

AdStation is an API. It extremely easy to access and you can deliver targeted ads to consumers in applications, in full graphical ads and even in email taglines. All you need to do is pass general encrypted information about the consumer to AdKnowledge. AdKnowledge does the rest by accessing a database of over 200 million consumer behaviors. Ad Station's technology makes it easy to determine what types of ads the consumer has viewed and responded to in the past. Once data is found, an advertising match is made along with an estimate of revenue you can earn if that advertisement is shown.
AdStation is extremely comprehensive with over 200 million consumer behaviors and over 1200 categories.
Access the Marketplace with Dynamic Bid Feed 

Dynamic Bid Feed makes it simple for publishers to have access to an open marketplace. Publishers can view thousands of advertisers in over one thousand categories. Dynamic Bid Feed works a little differently from AdStation, giving you access to those advertisers that use text based ads. These ads do not include the behavior component.
Dynamic Bid Feed includes exclusive technology called Click Scoring that judges the quality of traffic and is able to filter out traffic that is non-targeted. However, AdKnowledge will pay you a premium for traffic that converts well, leading to an increase in your CPM rates.

AdPepper offers a wide range of CPM (cost per thousand) solutions for publishers including website services an Opt In Email program called MailPepper and efficient ad delivery with top rated technology such as Falk eSolutions.
Exclusive and Outsourced Website Representation 

Exclusive website representation offers many online marketing solutions. For website publishers you can easily benefit from AdPepper's sales team and professional ad serving system which can maximize your web site's inventory without publishers having to invest in both expensive technology and a sales force.
AdPepper provides websites with:
  • High quality, reliable ad campaign delivery
  • Contacts to both advertisers and ad agencies
  • Comprehensive management throughout the campaign life cycle, from booking to invoicing
For Those Outsourcing AdPepper 

You can benefit from an extremely skilled and motivated sales force, top technology that maximizes ad serving. Benefits include:
  • Reliable and stable ad server technology
  • An extremely easy to use interface without any restricted access
  • Flexible reporting to fit your needs which encompasses campaign planning
AdPepper's Smart Marketing with iDialogue 

AdPepper uses iDialogue, a customizable media eCRM solution. iDialogue brings together both manufactures and retailers to establish profitable relationships with their online customers. iDialogue is a marketers dream come tree, it's an easy way to maintain and personalize dialogue with current and potential customers.
Get the Most Out of Your Customer Base with iDialogue 

  • Create and maintain relationships with current or potential customers
  • Marketers can generate leads via forms or by using existing customer databases to easily track your customer's interests and activities
  • iDialogue is successfully being used by large companies all over the world

AdPepper gives publishers an advantage by allowing all leading technologies to be used when choosing an ad and email delivery technology. However, in house email delivery solutions are available. Falk's mail solution tool allows a publisher to deliver up to 2 million emails per hour. It also includes the ability to easily integrate banner ads and to receive comprehensive reports from post click tracking available through an easy to use interface. In addition, it is extremely easy to customize and profile your email, fax and SMS ads.

Make Your Advertising Dollars Do More with Adtegrity 

Adtegrity makes it easy for publishers to get paid for their hard work. Adtegrity does a great job of serving up some of the most innovative and interactive advertising available online.
Benefits of Partnering with Adtegrity:
  • Generate additional revenue with the webs most creative ads
  • Adtegrity promises to fill all of your advertising inventory with top rated banners and ads
  • No self promotional ads
  • Adtegrity covers 5 vertical networks including women's interests, business, technology, entertainment and international
  • Adtegrity works hard to maximize your revenue potential
  • Adtegrity supports up and coming sites
Adtegrity Publisher Reports 

Adtegrity provides publishers comprehensive reports to help optimize their web site and maximize their earning potential. Resources include 24 hour online reports that make it extremely easy to manage your ad space and analyze your traffic.

Looking for an easy way to increase your earning potential? AffiliateFuture's network can help you easily monetize your website and receive payouts monthly for generating visits, leads or sales. AffiliateFuture makes it easy for publishers to sign up with no start up costs or fees and plenty of tools and resources to start earning.
Top Reasons to Join AffiliateFuture 

  • You can easily earn revenue from your web site or blog
  • There are plenty of advertisers in many categories
  • AffiliateFuture guarantees monthly commission payments
  • Top reporting tools that include real time tracking
  • No obligation, you can remove AffiliateFuture's ads at any time from your web site or blog

AffiliateSensor gives you the best of both worlds; pay per click publishing with the income of the best affiliate programs on the web.
Advertise Clickbank Products 

For those looking to earn huge revenue via ClickBank commissions, AffiliateSensor's new context relevant text link affiliate ad blocks is the perfect tool to use. With this powerful tool, you can choose from over 10,000 ClickBank products. Simply cut and past JavaScript into your web page to instantly show highly relevant ads that are targeted to your viewers. You have complete control over the ads and your web site. Publishers earning potential is maximized by AffiliateSensor sorting the highest performing ads at the top.
Benefits of Using Affiliate Sensor:
  • Easily refer visitors to Clickbank and earn huge commissions
  • Context relevant text links help target your viewers
  • Real time reporting tools to analyze, manage and increase your revenue potential
  • Easy to use script building interface
  • Create ad blocks with ease
  • Affiliate Sensor database is updated frequently to offer only the top selling products to your traffic
  • Receive 5% of impressions for every account that signs up for Affiliate Sensor under your link
  • No up front costs

It's easy to take control of your ad space with AVNads. AVNads make monetizing your web site as easy as turning a key. In addition to high paying ads being served up, you are able to control the ads that are shown on your site. Approve the ones that fit your site best, reject others that don't fit well. You don't have to worry about ads that are inappropriate appearing on your web site.
Would you like to sell ad space to your users? You can ad a link beneath each ad placement that states "Your Ad Here". This is one of the easiest ways to sell ad space to those that visit and are familiar with your site.
AVNads allows you to customize the entire ad process. You can easily customize the look and feel of your ads. No matter how your web site looks, you can change fonts, colors, etc to blend your ads into your web site seamlessly.
It is extremely easy to get started using AVNads, plus its free:
  • Tell AVNads about you and your site
  • Cut and paste the ad serving code onto your web site
  • Start receiving high quality ads that pay!

BannerBoxes can help you start earning more each day. It's extremely easy to sell either banner ads or text based ads on your site, plus large revenue payouts make it extremely easy to monetize your site with BannerBoxes paying out 75% of every qualified click your web site receives.
There are many reasons to choose BannerBoxes, however the top reasons include:
  • The ability to set your own starting bid price for ads that are shown on your web site
  • Before ads are placed on your web site, you are able to review them and decide whether or not they are appropriate
  • BannerBoxes makes it easy to control the look and feel of your ads. No matter what your web site looks like, you can easily control the look of the ads by changing the color, font, placement, etc
  • If you haven't sold all your ad space, BannerBoxes will fill your unused inventory with back fill ads. You still receive 75% commission for each ad that is clicked.
  • If you have search results, you can use BannerBoxes to monetize your search results with paid listings
  • BannerBoxes has an attractive affiliate program. Get paid for referring other web sites, advertisers and search engines. You continue to receive payment as long they continue to use BannerBoxes
  • Easy to read and comprehensive reports available to track your progress
  • BannerBoxes has a very low minimum payout amount. Receive a monthly payment when you sell $10 or more in ads
  • Receive payments via Paypal

BardzoMedia is one of the best ways to monetize your web site's unused ad space. BardzoMedia can help you earn by selling ad inventory from US, Canada and even Europe. You can choose to be an exclusive seller of BardzoMedia or choose to sell your ad space on a non exclusive basis.
BardzoMedia is the premier service for optimized banner ads, focusing on targeted, optimized banner ads and delivering extremely high payouts with web site owners receiving 70% of all web traffic.
BardzoMedia offers a dedicated team that works hard to deliver top results. Whether you are looking for a broker to fill up your unused inventory or require an ad network to make sure your web site is efficiently monetizing each ad space, BardzoMedia should be your first choice.
BardzoMedia offers many different types of banner ads and it is extremely easy to keep track of the ads served with real time statistics. As far as payment options, BardzoMedia offers a wide range of payment choices as well.
Top Features of BardzoMedia:
  • Monetize your web site selling a wide range of banner ads
  • Payout rates are extremely high, with web site's receiving 70% of revenue from their web traffic
  • Real time statistics
  • A dedicated team that can help you maximize your unused ad space
  • A variety of payment methods to choose from
  • Extremely easy to get started
  • Choose between an exclusive or non exclusive program

For those web publishers looking for the professional choice in ad networks, BlinkAds delivers. BlinkAds makes sure you have the resource and the backing of a quality team behind you. Each affiliate (publisher) is giving his or her own account manager. Your account manager will assist you in maximizing your earning potential and help you to select the best campaigns for your web site. You can choose between email advertising, search advertising, contextual ads or web traffic (lead generation). BlinkAds doesn't stop there; they are continually evaluating their processes and making sure that their ad network is fully optimized to give you the publisher the highest return in revenue.
BlinkAds also has a two tiered referral program in place. For those that refer other publishers, you can receive a 5% commission for the life time traffic that any of your referrals make.
Top features of using BlinkAds:
  • Extremely professional ad network dedicated to your success
  • Highest payouts in the industry
  • BlinkAds offers many types of advertising products for publishers to sell including email advertising, contextual ads, web traffic, etc
  • A wide range of CPA and CPL offers from top advertisers
  • Your own account manager to help you maximize revenue
  • High quality and accurate tracking of statistics to help optimize your business
  • Prompt Payment
  • Two Tier Affiliate Program that pays you 5% for any affiliates you refer for the lifetime of their traffic
  • Extremely easy to manage your ads, stats and payments

It's easy to build a profitable web site with BlueFN. BlueFN is one of the leading CPA (Cost per Action) ad networks on the web with an extremely large advertising base that focuses on the channel of finance. If you are a publisher of a financial site, BlueFN can help you monetize your site for maximum revenue. As a publisher with BlueFN, you are given access to BlueFN's top financial services advertisers. They include credit card companies, insurance companies, mortgage providers, etc. Another great reason to choose BlueFN is that BlueFN offers original financial content to help publishers target the right audience.
Following are some of the top reasons to choose BlueFN ad network:
  • Access to the largest financial service industry's advertisers
  • Choice of exclusive and non exclusive contract
  • Plenty of high performance offers
  • Receive some of the highest payouts on the net
  • Referral program that pays out handsomely
  • Dedicated sales force
  • Original financial content available to publishers
  • Customer and technical support available by phone or email
  • Receive payouts extremely quickly with choices that include Paypal, bank check or wire transfer
  • Easy to read statistics tools available to track your progress

BlueLithium offers publishers advanced technology to achieve better rates. BlueLithium puts an emphasis on technology and has developed software that sophisticatedly uses behavior and semantic targeting. What does this mean for publishers? Usually this translates directly into optimal performance and higher revenue. Not only does BlueLithium's technology work great for publishers, but advertisers benefit as well. In some cases, BlueLithium can improve ad relevancy by an increase of 10X. Advertisers are usually willing to jump at the opportunity to pay a premium for this type of performance.
BlueLithium has a network of many of the top branders in the world, with many of Fortune 1000 companies and brands being advertisers on the network. BlueLithium also provides all types of advertising products (CPA, CPM and CPC). In addition, formats of ads are varied. Ad types include streaming video, rich media formats, GIF, animated GIF, JPEG and HTML.
Reasons to Choose BlueLithium ad network:
  • BlueLithium offers technology that makes it one of the most advanced online ad networks
  • Robust targeting and optimization technologies
  • Extremely high rates
  • A great user experience
  • BlueLithium includes many Fortune 1,000 advertisers
  • Includes products such as CPM, CPC, CPL and CPA
  • Top service and sales staff supporting publishers

ClickBooth gives you access to the highest payouts in the industry. For those publishers looking for a full service ad network that offers a large volume of advertisers, around the clock support, top pre tested technology and a top reputation, ClickBooth should be at the top of your list.
ClickBooth offers publishers access to an extremely large volume of advertisers. It is extremely easy to monetize your web site with ClickBooth and finding the right advertiser that fits your audience is a breeze.
ClickBooth has a team supporting you. ClickBooth's team will help support you technically as well as assist you in monetizing your site. For those looking for fast payouts, ClickBooth can pay you weekly, plus there are many different payment methods to fit any business.
Here are some great features that make ClickBooth stand apart from the crowd:
  • Extremely high CPM's and ECPM's
  • Plenty of huge name advertisers to fit almost every channel
  • Technology that is proven to work
  • Extremely quick payouts, you can choose to be paid weekly.
  • Several payment methods
  • Become an affiliate and receive referral payouts
  • Sales team that assists publishers
  • Excellent customer service
  • Great reputation in the industry

With ClickXchange you can turn your site into cash. ClickXchange offer many types of solutions to help publishers maximize their profit potential. While other ad networks only provide one or two methods to monetize your web site with, ClickXchange offers five different methods on how publishers can easily generate revenue.
ClickXchange offers extremely flexible ad management. As a publisher, you can easily rotate your ads for maximum optimization, ClickXchange includes many powerful tools that easily allow you to get the most out of your ad space.
ClickXchange also includes one of the top technologies for detailed real time reporting. You can easily access thorough traffic reports and analyze them easily. Publishers can easily optimize their ad space by removing ads that don't convert or products that fit their audience.
ClickXchange also includes an advertiser rating system. You as a publisher can easily choose advertisers based on past performance. Two ways to make your choices more effective are statistics on the performance volume and EP100C.
ClickXchange also has an affiliate program that generates cash while you sleep. There are no minimums and you can receive a payment monthly.
Top features of ClickXchange:
  • Flexible ad management and rotation tools
  • Advertiser rating system
  • Affiliate program
  • No minimum payouts
  • Payments sent monthly
CPX Interactive 

Become a CPXsite and enjoy the benefits. CPX is an ad network that is determined to make sure all their publishers monetize 100% of their inventory, whatever the level and geography. CPX creates a network that is based upon market driven principles, they do not build multiple tiers of advertising networks. This translates into some of the highest payouts and monetization percentage in the industry.
While other ad networks choose the best advertisers for their own networks, CPX makes sure that all publishers enjoy top rated advertisers and their premium CPM's. In addition, for those ad spaces that are unfilled, CPX fills with ads that have CPM rates driven by real time market competition.
Publishers of CPX enjoy the following:
  • An extremely easy management system
  • The ability to monetize 100% of your ad space
  • Publishers have access to over 20K optimized ads each month
  • Exclusive and non exclusive partnerships available
  • CPX pays out every 30 days
  • Several payment methods available including bank check, wire transfer and Paypal
  • Publisher has total inventory control
  • Quick customer service and support
CPX has grown extremely quickly by making sure that publishers generate lots of revenue, have enormous control over the ads they place and are supported by a winning team.
eType Europe 

Represent your web site with eType. For those top web sites that are looking for a team to help maximize ad revenue, eType can help. eType works hard to understand your business and goals and works hard to achieve them.
The eType team helps your web site or network sell your entire inventory of ad space. eType provides each of its publishers with a dedicated account director that understands the industry and can maximize revenue generation. The eType team strives hard to understand not only what types of ads to sell on your site, but the entire sales process including forecasting, targeting and campaign delivery.
For those publishers that require an even higher level of representation, eType has a premium web site representation program available. This includes more resources and a team dedicated to your success.
Features of eType-Europe
  • Outsource your ad selling with a company that knows how to succeed
  • eType works hard to understand your business
  • Plenty of resources to fulfill your entire ad space inventory
  • Each customer is given an account director held accountable for your success
  • Premium web site representation available
  • eType can help your business throughout the entire sales process
  • Top rated customer service and support for all clients
eType USA 

For high value online properties, eType USA specializes in premium web site representation. If you are looking to outsource your ad space sales force, one of the leaders in the industry is eType USA.
eType USA offers its publishers some of the top advertisers and brand names in the world. eType maximizes revenue generation for publishers by making sure opportunities are sold on a site specific basis, rather than bundling ads for networks or distributing ads through a wide range of channels.
For those web sites that require enhanced service, eType offers premium web site representations complete with an account director and sales team to help your business reach your goals.
Features of eType-USA:
  • Outsource your ad selling with a company that knows how to succeed
  • eType USA works hard to understand your business
  • Plenty of resources to fulfill your ad space inventory
  • Each customer is given an account director held accountable for your success
  • Premium web site representation available
  • eType USA can help your business throughout the entire process
  • Top rated customer service and support for all clients

Join one of the top ad networks in the industry. ExpoActive gives the publisher an extremely high level of freedom to ensure that ad space is used on their web site as best as possible. It's extremely easy to optimize your site with ExpoActive, due to the fact you can easily choose how ads are displayed, the font size of the ads and the color of the ads.
Besides being able to fully customize your ads, ExpoActive makes sure that the relevance level of each ad provides a great fit with your site. With ExpoActive, you have the option of choosing which ads are most effective for your specific site.
Top Features of ExpoActive:
  • ExpoActive works hard with both publishers and advertisers to create a strong relationship between the two
  • High payouts
  • Publishers can easily optimize their web site by customizing ads
  • Ads can be customized by font, color, placement, etc
  • Publishers can choose ads based on relevance

Flux Advertising is right for you 

If you are a publisher and have a web site with relevant content and lots of traffic, then monetizing it with FluxAds can easily generate lots of revenue. FluxAds goes the extra mile to make sure that every ad space on your web site is always used to generate revenue. With a robust network of advertisers, FluxAds works hard to make sure that every ad space is used proficiently.
Experience one of the best affiliate programs in the industry 

As a top performing affiliate, you can enjoy special offers that include the most competitive payouts. In addition, as a top affiliate member, an account manager will sit down and consult with you, working hard to understand your business and figuring out new ways to increase your reach and revenue.
FluxAds delivers with these top features:
  • FluxAds strive to fulfill your entire ad space inventory
  • One of the top payouts in the industry
  • FluxAds gives you a wide variety of ad products that you as a publisher can sell. Includes email, pay per click, pop up and under, etc
  • For top affiliates, an account manager will consult with your business and help you reach a larger audience, as well as maximize revenue

Sell more advertising with Hyperbidder 

It's extremely simple and secure to sell more advertising with Hyperbidder. Hyperbidder offers a huge advertising marketplace for publishers to sell their available ad space. It is extremely easy for advertisers to bid on sites they would like their ads to be shown on. Once bidding has taken place, you as a publisher can easily view the ad and choose whether or not to approve it.
Hyperbidder gives you the tools and resources necessary to optimize your web site with some of the top branded, highest paying ads. You can easily customize the ads that you accept with the ability to place them anywhere on your page, choose the color, font, etc ensuring that the ads fit your site for maximum optimization.
Hyperbidder pays out some of the highest rates in the industry. Publishers receive 75% of all campaign revenue generated, plus you don't have to wait long for payments, with payments sent out every 30 days.
Reasons for top publishers to choose Hyperbidder:
  • Extremely easy and secure way to monetize your web site
  • Fulfill practically all your ad space on your web site with some of the top advertisers around
  • You control who can advertise on your web site
  • Customize each ad to fit your site. Customization features include placement, color, font, etc
  • Extremely high payouts, keep 75% of the revenue generated
  • Quick payouts. Receive a payment every 30 days
  • Joining Hyperbidder is free

IncentaClick is committed to generating revenue for their affiliates. IncentaClick is one of fastest growing ad networks around and one of the reasons it has grown so quickly is because of its seven day ROI guarantee. IncentaClick promises its publishers a better rate of conversion in only seven days than any other ad network can accomplish. For those publishers that are seeking a true performer, IncentaClick definitely promises and delivers.
IncentaClick uses some of the newest technology to optimize its ad server so that you, the publisher instantly receive high conversion rates and maximize your profit potential. IncentaClick has a great reputation for having one of the best managed affiliate programs, top pay out rates and frequent and timely payments. IncentaClick has earned a highly respected reputation from its publishers, not only in customer services and management, but where it counts- in generating revenue.
IncentaClick offers the following reason to join their ad network:
  • Highest conversion rates,
  • Real time optimization of creatives
  • A large reach of advertisers
  • Get the fastest return of investment in the industry
  • Quick and free sign up
  • Customer support and assistance
  • Large group of Fortune 1000 clients
  • Proven track record and one of the best reputations in the industry
Industry Brains 

With Industry Brain, it is easy to maximize your advertising revenue.
Industry Brains gives publishers the tools and resources necessary in order to leverage their web site and charge a premium for ads targeted to their audience. Industry Brains makes it extremely easy to maximize revenue with its site specific model and includes products such as relevant, contextual ads and graphical ads.
Industry Brain's top publisher benefits include:
  • An extremely easy way to monetize your existing content web pages and search pages
  • Control your brand
  • Choose relevant ads that fit your site and audience best
  • Publishers are given creative control and lots of flexibility
  • Plenty of resources to keep track of your business. Optimize your web sites based on statistics and manage advertiser relationships
Whether you are a content publisher looking to sell ads on your web site, html newsletter or RSS feeds, a publisher that would like to monetize their search feature or a publisher that uses dynamic graphic ads to spur interest, Industry Brain can help you achieve your revenue goals.

Interclick is the only fully transparent ad network on the web.
It's extremely easy to monetize your traffic and Interclick offers an industry high 65% monthly payout on revenue your web site generates each and every month. Interclick also pays out extremely quick with net 45 payments. You even have a choice of payment methods, either Paypal or check. But most of all, Interclick has attracted the largest brands and companies as advertisers making it extremely easy for publishers to convert with high quality ads.
Interclick also gives you a choice of ad types and formats. You can choose the very popular interstitials or monetize pop unders, pop overs or rich media overlays. Interclick makes sure that each publisher is able to run the ad campaign that fits them best. Interclick also offers exclusive and non exclusive programs, so there are no contracts to try Interclick out and no minimum traffic commitments. Interclick also offers top quality customer service and support.
Top reasons to join Interclick:
  • Free to join, choose between exclusive and non exclusive programs
  • Top rated payouts of 65%
  • Quick payments, net 45 days
  • Choice of payment methods; Paypal or bank check
  • Interclick has a great reputation
  • Top rated customer service and support
  • Real time stats to help optimize your web site
  • Choice of ad types

Kontera offers publishers "In-Text Advertising".
Kontera is one of the most well known ad networks and offers one of the most exciting products in the industry - Content Link. Content Link are relevant keywords that are viewed real time on a publisher's web page. A publisher's content actually becomes the advertisement using a cost per click model for revenue generation.
With Kontera, you can open a new stream of revenue that does not compete with other types of ads. In-Text advertising is a great way to monetize your content and increase your monthly web page revenue. By having content that is in effect advertising, not only are your advertisements seamless but extremely relevant.
Kontera ads are easy to implement via JavaScript tag on your web site's pages. Not only is set up a breeze, but you can easily customize the ad. Choose between its placement, font, color, etc. Using Kontera ads, you can create a seamless advertising environment for your web site viewers.
Kontera offers 24/7 customer support. When you sign up for Kontera you are given all the tools necessary to succeed and maximize your earning potential.
Some of the top features include:
  • Open up a new stream of revenue with In-Text ads
  • Turn your content into the ads themselves
  • Increase your click through rate by having highly relevant ads
  • Full customization of your ads, choose the ad placement, color, font, etc
  • 24/7 customer support
  • One of the best known names in the ad network industry
  • Top advertisers
  • Easy to implement

Get paid for performance with MaxBounty. Publishers can tap a huge revenue stream just by having their viewers complete a specific action on their web site. These actions include lead generation such as filling out forms or signing up for a newsletter or completing a sale.
MaxBounty builds a strong relationship with both advertisers and publishers and makes sure they are both optimized to maximize their revenue generation capabilities. MaxBounty also has one of the top reporting systems in the industry to ensure that all affiliates are being paid for their viewers actions. In addition, this unique reporting technology also creates trust among advertisers facilitating higher ad spending and giving them a detailed report on their ROI.
Top features of MaxBounty:
  • Free sign up and easy implementation
  • Monetize your traffic with high paying CPA's
  • Highly rated reporting system
  • Monthly payout
  • International affiliates can receive payments in their local currency
  • Real time statistics
  • High quality customer service and support
  • Second tier referral program

Partner with Mirago. Mirago is one of the top providers of online revenue earning products. Mirago gives you two choices of revenue stream including the family friendly search generation and contextual ads.
Search Products 

Mirago uses top rated technology to perform deep rich index searches. Setting up the technology is extremely easy due to Mirago's use of XML feeds. It is extremely easy to promote your site with Mirago's family friendly search generation technology.
Contextual Products 

Mirago offers extremely relevant contextual advertising for publishers. With the help of Context Stream, Mirago can produce highly relevant advertisements for your audience. This leads to extremely high conversion rates and maximum revenue potential.
Top features of Mirago:
  • Two different revenue streams to choose from: Family Friendly Search and Contextual Advertising
  • Top rated technology to maximize revenue
  • Easy to implement
  • A variety of design options
  • Customer support and service
  • Top list of advertisers
  • Geo targeting

Oridian has you covered! Oridian is one of fastest growing ad networks in the world due to its international sales reach, top customer and support service, extremely advanced ad serving technologies and providing publishers with some of the top rated global advertisers and brands.
Maximizing your revenue with Oridian is extremely easy with multiple ad formats and network wide media optimization to make sure your sites convert at the highest rates possible.
Oridian gives publishers a complete solution. This solution includes all aspects of handling of advertiser recruitment, ad serving, media optimization and keeping track of statistics and revenue to better optimize your web site. Oridian also offers exclusive and non exclusive programs. You can be part of the Oridian network receiving ads based on advertisers choosing specific channels or have your site receive revenue from site specific advertisements.
Oridian has one of the largest global sales forces in the industry, so you can easily choose quality, high paying advertisers from North America, Europe, and other top spots around the globe.
Oridian offers:
  • Maximize your revenue with incredible global reach
  • Oridian offers a complete solution to publishers
  • Top rated customer service and support
  • Plenty of top advertisers and brands represented
  • One of the fastest growing international ad networks
  • Advanced ad serving technology
  • Easy set up and implementation

It's easy to monetize your web site with Oxado. Oxado is your complete ad network solution. Just sign up and Oxado does the rest. Oxado takes care of ad servicing, management, real time updates, the relevance of ads, etc.
Oxado is a huge network that represents over 60,000 advertisers all over the world. For those publishers looking to monetize all their ad space, Oxado can help you succeed. Oxado includes top technology that scans your content and site to find ads that are extremely relevant and that pay high rates. With detailed reports and statistics, you can easily understand just how your site is performing.
Generate revenue and receive quick payments. Getting paid with Oxado is extremely fast and easy. Oxado offers two choices for payment and pay outs are made every 30 days. Oxado also has an extremely enticing affiliate program. Publishers receive 10% of ad revenue that an affiliate refers, making it one of the top affiliate programs in the industry.
Why chose Oxado:
  • One of the highest revenue payouts in the industry
  • Various streams of revenue including cost per click and cost per acquisition
  • There is no traffic minimum
  • Receive payouts every 30 days
  • Oxado delivers extremely relevant ads which translate directly into better click through rates and conversions
  • Oxado is easy to implement
  • Signing up is free
  • Automatic ad rotation
  • Over 3 million ads covering many areas around the world
  • Detailed reports and statistics

Earn passive income from your website. 

Paypopup allows publishers to easily earn passive income every time a person visits their site. Pop up ads are a great way to generate revenue every time someone views your web site. With Paypopup, if you have more than 200 views per day, you can tap into a stream of revenue.
Paypopup delivers, not only does it pay some of the best rates in the industry to publishers, but pay outs are made every two weeks. There are no large minimums to worry about, as long as you have earned $50 or more, your payment will be disbursed.
Paypopup also has one of the best affiliate programs in the ad network industry. You can earn up to 20%, because Paypopup affiliate tiered program runs 5 levels deep. If you are looking for a great way to monetize your web site traffic, Paypopup can earn you income immediately.
Reason to join Paypopup:
  • Earn passive income each and every time a visitor views your website
  • Whether your web site is large or small, you can join the network (at least 200 views per day required)
  • Payouts are some of the best in the industry
  • Payments made every two weeks (Only $50 minimum required for disbursement)
  • Top rated advertisers
  • One of the best affiliate programs in the industry (earn up to 20%, 5 levels deep)
  • Join for free
  • Extremely easy set up
  • High quality customer service and support

PeakClick's goal is to make you as successful as possible in all your pay per click efforts.
PeakClick offers its publishes the highest bids in the pay per click industry, with their system set up to receive bid offers from 12 other companies, PeakClick can choose the highest paying offers and pass them easily to you. PeakClick also has some of the highest payouts. Publishers receive 70% of the revenue generated each month. PeakClick even has a three level affiliate program. You can receive 5% of the affiliate's income you refer, plus 2% of any affiliates they refer and 1% of any affiliates income the second tier of affiliates refer.
PeakClick is rated as having some of the best technology available to serve relevant ads. This translates into higher click through rates and the ability to maximize revenue easier. Want more reasons to join, here are just a few:
  • Sign up is free
  • Extremely easy to set up and implement
  • Real time statistics
  • One of the highest pay out rates in the industry (70%)
  • One of the top affiliate programs (earn commissions on 3 separate sales levels)
  • Get paid every 15 days
  • PeakClick pays out in Euros (however, US dollars are also an option)
  • High quality customer service and technical support

Searchfeed is a leader in pay per click search engine advertising. For those web site publishers that are looking for a top rated ad network to represent them, Searchfeed usually outperforms others, monetizing your sites and attracting top rated advertisers to fill your ad space. Searchfeed has one of the largest advertising networks, delivering millions of advertisements each month.
Since there are so many advertisers to choose from, you can count on highly relevant ads being served on your site. Highly relevant ads usually translate directly into higher click through rates. Integrating Searchfeed ads into almost any web site is an extremely easy process.
Searchfeed offers many types of programs including Affiliate Partnership, Private Label Feed, Referral Partners and Media Agencies.
Affiliate Partners can easily join Searchfeed and tap into a powerful revenue stream of ads. This program is usually for publishers with a few small sites or limited programming resources.
Private Label Feeds are for publishers that have a large network of web sites and would like to maximize revenue generation. Publishers of these web sites can integrate code such as JavaScript, Text, XML, etc to compliment existing content.
Referral partners can instantly make money just by referring other publishers to join Searchfeed. For media agencies that are looking to for a company to manage their many publishers, Searchfeed can work with you closely to understand your client's needs and deliver top rated revenue performance.

For publishers that either have web sites or blogs, you can increase your revenue immediately. TextLinkAds makes it easy to sell text links that are published on your web site and blogs.
TextLinkAds offers many ways for you to generate revenue. You can easily earn income by posting text links on your web site, blog, RSS feed or through the TextLinkAds affiliate program.
TextLinkAds pay outs are one of the highest in the industry. You earn 50% of the sale price of each text link ad that is sold on your publishing network. TextLinkAds has thousands of advertising partners ensuring that the links will be highly relevant to your content.
TextLinkAds technology supports many different types of code including PHP, ASP, PERL, etc. For those that are looking for an advertising stream to work with Google AdSense, TextLinkAds is 100% legal.
Top Features of TextLinkAds:
  • Earn revenue just by posting text links on your web site, blog or RSS feed
  • Earn 50% of the sale price of each text link
  • Top rated affiliate program. Earn a flat $25 for any publisher you refer that results in a sale or is accepted into the TextLinkAds program
  • Thousands of advertisers ensures relevant text links
  • Works with Google AdSense and Yahoo! Publishing Networks
  • Get paid each month
  • Several options available for payment
TMP Express (Traffic Marketplace) 

Publishers can maximize their revenue generation with Traffic Marketplace. It's extremely easy to leverage all forms of ad types with Traffic Marketplace. Traffic Marketplace offers a choice of banner ads, skyscrapers, pop unders, leaderboards, etc.
Traffic Marketplace is rated as one of the top ad networks, paying out some of the highest eCPM rates in the industry. Top technology allows real time online reporting giving publishers the tools to optimize their site for maximum relevance and monetization.
Implementing traffic marketplace ads are extremely easy and customer support and service is one of the many features Traffic Marketplace offers. Signing up for Traffic Marketplace is free; however you do need to be an established web site with at least 300K visitors each month.
Top features of Traffic Marketplace:
  • Top rates paid to publishers
  • Choice of ad types including banner ads, pop unders, skyscraper ads, leaderboards, etc
  • Automatic optimization, Traffic Marketplace ad serving technology ensures highly relevant ads to maximize click through rates
  • Plenty of online and statistical reporting tools available
  • Free to join
  • Top advertisers and brands
  • Excellent customer service and support
  • Payouts every 30 days
  • Choice of payment methods
  • Traffic Marketplace has an excellent reputation in the industry and is one of the best known ad networks around
Tremor Media 

If you are a publisher that is looking to grow your web site with high quality online video and rich media banner advertising, one of the top ad networks in the industry is Tremor Media. Tremor Media provides publishers with everything that is needed to generate revenue from rich media.
Tremor Media offers publishers many options and offers plenty of advertisers that are extremely relevant to each site. With Tremor Media, you can easily customize the ads served so that they fit seamlessly into your web site and provide a high quality viewing experience for your web site visitors. Some of Tremor Media rich media offerings include pre roll, post roll and mid roll ads that stream video content to your viewers.
Tremor Media has attracted the largest companies and top brand names making it extremely easy to attract interest, which translates directly into high click through rates. Besides high quality ads that are relevant, Tremor Media also includes many tools and reports to help keep track of your web site's performance. For those publishers looking to grow their web site with the next level of technology, Tremor Media truly delivers high quality, relevant ads that monetize extremely well.
Federated Media 

For those publishers that have a real voice, one ad network stands above the rest in supporting your web site or blog growth, as well as helping you maximize your revenue potential.
Federated Media goal is to bring together the top blogs and web sites that have an opinion and strong point of view. While there are plenty of content sites and blogs on the web, what Federated Media strives to find are sites that are unique and draw an audience because of what they say. While some blogs in the Federated Media network are created and updated personally by professional journalists, other blogs are composed of individuals with strong opinions or a slant on culture.
Federated Media has access to the top advertisers in the world along with brand names that garner interest from many. For being one of the top blogs on the web, Federated Media ensures that you are paid handsomely. In addition, for those concerned about allowing their site to be paid by advertisements, Federated Media believes in transparency so all interests will be rightly disclosed. In addition, you will find a wealth of statistics and reporting tools available to track your results.
If you have a blog with a real voice, one of the best ways to grow is with the support and expertise of Federated Media.
Ad Volcano 

Ad Volcano allows publishers to boost their revenue without replacing one ad network for another. Ad Volcano gives publishers the tools and resources to easily add advertisements to their site and customize them to fit seamlessly. Many ad networks involve so much constraints, it can be hard to maintain control of your site design. With Ad Volcano, the ad platform is 100% customizable making it extremely easy to integrate ads into your web site for maximum relevancy. In addition, you get to choose which ads you want on your web site and reject those that don't fit your web site or audience.
Ad Volcano allows publishers to set their own pricing, this means you don't have to fill your ad space with ads that pay sub par. Ad Volcano also offers great payouts which include 75% of the revenue generated each month. Payouts by Ad Volcano are very speedy as well with payouts being disbursed every 15 days.
Top Benefits of using Ad Volcano:
  • 100% Customizable
  • Generate Revenue with ads that seamlessly fit into almost every web site
  • Extremely high payouts (75% of revenue generated each month)
  • Quick payments (payments sent twice per month)
  • Great reputation and customer service.
  • Control which ads are allowed on your web site
  • Plenty of top name advertisers

Thundertext technology leads the way in effective, timely, relevant, and seamless communication between advertisers and clients. Through a network of publishers that use their proprietary technology, Thundertext advertisers reach their audience in a non-intrusive yet highly effective, targeted way.
  • Maximize your site's revenue without changing your look and feel
  • Relevant targeting to deliver appropriate ads to your readers
  • Fast, reliable payment
  • Only 50,000 unique monthly page views needed to join the Thundertext network
  • Extensive customization, control, and tracking
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